Metal Coat Location In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl have finally arrived after years of anticipation. The two games are adaptations of the original Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. And are the latest in Nintendo’s campaign to remake the entire Pokemon series for the Nintendo Switch.
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are faithful to their forefathers while also incorporating some quality-of-life enhancements. The unusual method of evolving Rock/Ground-type Onix into Steel/Ground-type Steelix is one of the classic Pokemon systems that has returned.
Metal Coat Locations in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
There are several ways to obtain the Metal Coat item in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, none of which are simple. After that, Byron will give players the Metal Coat if they speak to him in Riley’s House on Iron Island.

Another way to obtain a Metal Coat is to recover it from a Steel-type Pokemon that is holding it. Bronzor, Magnemite, and Beldum can all be found in the Grand Underground region and have a chance of holding a Metal Coat by default.
In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, how do you evolve Onix?
In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, finding a Metal Coat is only the first step toward evolving an Onix. The Onix must traded to another player while holding the Metal Coat in order for the evolution to occur. To begin a trade, players must visit one of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl’s Local or Global Rooms. Which can found up or down the escalators in each Pokecenter.
Trading in this manner means that the player who sends the Onix will not be able to watch it evolve or keep the Steelix. Many players, however, get around this by agreeing to swap Onix with friends, each holding a Metal Coat. Alternatively, a Pokemon Link Code system is available online to ensure. That players enter a room that offers the trade they’re looking for. No matter which method used. Once Onix has traded while wearing the Metal Coat, it will evolve when the trade completed.
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