How To Solve The Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl. Every Pokemon generation has that one gym puzzle that is impossible to solve. In Red & Blue, it was the teleporters in the Saffron City gym, while in Ruby & Sapphire, it was the tile puzzle in the Mossdeep City gym. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl continues this illustrious tradition, with Snowpoint City’s ice-themed gym unquestionably the most difficult of the games’ eight to navigate.
Candice, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl players will need to destroy a number of large snowballs by crashing into them at high speeds in order to clear a path to the gym leader. This may appear to be a simple enough task, but they will only be able to approach the snowballs from certain angles.
When entering the gym, players should slide to the left from the fourth row of tiles, colliding with a large unbreakable snowball against the gym’s left wall. They should then proceed north to the third of three white tiles. They’ll want to slide to the right once they’ve landed on it, which will take them to two connected white tiles on the opposite side of the gym. They can destroy the giant snowball blocking the first ladder by moving to the tile below the one they first land on and then sliding left.
How to Solve the Snowpoint City Gym Crossword

Players should proceed up the stairs to their left and then down and to the right until they reach the white tile closest to the gym’s entrance.
Players should go right and then north after defeating the trainer next to the white tile they end up on before climbing the stairs to their right. At the top, they should slide right and then north to reach the next set of stairs leading to the highest level. They can then slide north to the gym’s back wall, then left to the two white tiles. They’ll want to slide south from the left tile, then turn left from the white tile they land on to destroy three more snowballs. They can then take out the final two snowballs in the central area by walking one space north and sliding to the right from where they end up.
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Players should now return to the entrance by sliding left and down until they reach the stairs near the unbreakable snowball in the gym’s southwest corner. After climbing them, they should head north (via a second white tile) to another unbreakable snowball, then slide to the right to remove the snowball that is blocking the penultimate ladder.

To break the final snowball, return to the spot next to the unbreakable snowball in the gym’s southwest corner, head north one tile, and then right to the white tile near the gym’s entrance from earlier. They should slide north, left, and then down from here. This will transport them to an
How To Solve The Snowpoint City Gym Puzzle In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl
Players can now return to the entrance and proceed straight through the centre of the gym, using the newly accessible stairways to reach Candice. If they chose Chimchar as their starter Pokemon, defeating her will most likely be easier than solving the gym’s puzzle, as three of her four Pokemon are vulnerable to fire-type attacks. Players should exercise caution, however, because leaving the gym at any time will completely reset the puzzle.