Pokémon Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl: How To beat Fantina .Despite being the third gym you find in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Hearthome’s gym can only be investigated if you’ve helped Cynthia’s grandmother in Celestic Town. If you’ve completed that goal, proceed to the gym to face Fantina and her Ghost-type Pokémon, who are unquestionably the most difficult you’ll face thus far.
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How to get solve the fifth gym’s puzzle
To get to Fantina, you’ll just need to solve some basic math equations and walk through the doors that lead to her. You can get to Fantina without fighting another trainer if you take the doors in order from right to left without reading a single equation.
Which Pokémon does Fantina use?

Fantina, like previous gym leaders, will only have three Pokémon in her party: Drifblim (Lv. 32), Gengar (Lv. 34), and Mismagius (Lv. 35). (Lv. 36). As you can see, this gym is a significant step up in difficulty from the previous one. As a result, before rushing into this battle, you might wish to engage in a few random encounters and level up your group.
Trainers should also have a batch of Full Heals on them when fighting Gengar and Mismagius. They will constantly use their Confuse Ray ability to confuse your Pokémon, then use their most powerful move when your Pokémon is unable to attack.
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The best Pokémon to use in the fifth gym
As we’ve previously stated, this encounter will be more difficult than any other because Ghost-types have few weaknesses. Ghost will only be vulnerable to Dark and other Ghost-types in the remakes, as they use the traditional Gen IV strength and weakness formula. Because these are relatively uncommon, there are a few strategies to succeed without one.
With Fantina bringing out Drifblim first, make sure your party is led by a Rock-type. Drifblim is a Flying-type Pokémon, so having a reliable monster like Rhyhorn in your arsenal will make this a breeze. A Rhyhorn can obtained from one of the several Grand Underground Hideaways. A second method is to purchase many rock-type TMs from the Veilstone Department Store and apply them to a variety of Fighting and Ground-type Pokémon.
Psychic and Ground-type attacks will be the quickest approach to take out Gengar. Because the Pokémon a Poison-type, these kind of attacks are quite effective, and this opponent should defeated in only two hits. Pastoria City’s Great Marsh Safari is a great place to catch a Psyduck or Golduck. Golduck can learn destructive techniques based on both of these categories, as demonstrated above.
Because Mismagius strictly a Ghost-type, having Pokémon in your party that can learn Ghost and Dark-type techniques your best bet. Machop is the most prevalent one that can do this. And it can found in every area between Routes 208 and 211. Payback and Knock Off are the most efficient moves against Ghosts, with the latter learned at Level 12.