Best Moveset For Dragonite Pokemon Go 2021. Best Moveset For Dragonite Pokemon Go 2021 Dragonite, the franchise’s first pseudo-legendary Pokemon, deserves respect for being a powerhouse in every game in which they appear, whether it’s in the main series of Pokemon games or in numerous side games that have popped up over the years.
This mighty Dragon-type pocket monster can even be found in Pokemon GO, where it can team up with Dragonite to form a powerful and dynamic duo. This Pokemon can learn some excellent moves, but because only a couple of them can be active at the same time, players must choose wisely when it comes to Dragonite’s moveset.
Table of Contents
Every Dragonite Move Is Learnable (2021)

Currently, Dragonite has 3 Fast Attacks and 5 Charged Attacks to choose from, and the player should choose based on their opponent; however, if one does not know who they will be facing, it can be prudent to get a sense of one’s Dragonite’s combat potential by looking at all the options as well as the damage, damage per second (DPS), and type of each move.
All Possible Fast Attacks For Dragonite
- Dragon Breath – 6 damage (12 DPS) [Dragon-type]
- Dragon Tail – 15 damage (14 DPS) [Dragon-type]
- Steel Wing – 11 damage (14 DPS) [Steel-type]
All Possible Charged Attacks For Dragonite
- Dragon Claw – 50 damage (29 DPS) [Dragon-type]
- Hurricane – 110 damage (41 DPS) [Flying-type]
- Hyper Beam – 150 damage (39 DPS) [Normal-type]
- Outrage – 110 damage (28 DPS) [Dragon-type]
- Draco Meteor – 150 damage (42 DPS) [Dragon-type]
Dragonite’s Best Fast Attack

Dragon Tail and Steel Wing are the top contenders among the three potential options, as they have the highest DPS (tied), with Dragon Tail performing slightly better in the single-hit damage department.
Steel Wing is ideal for players who need to counter a Fairy-type opponent because Steel is extremely effective against Fairies. This can catch opponents off guard who believe they have a type advantage and allow one to gain momentum in battle.
In all other situations, however, Dragon Tail is the superior Fast Attack because it does more base damage and gains a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) due to Dragonite being Dragon-type (in addition to part Flying-type). In most situations, Dragon Tail is the best Fast Attack for a Dragonite moveset.
Dragonite’s Best Charged Attack
Trainers will be able to determine the best attack for their moveset based on damage, DPS, and type considerations.
If you look closely, you’ll notice that Outrage has a very low DPS compared to the other top choices, so unless you want a Dragon-type Charged Attack, you should avoid it. Things are a little closer between Hurricane and Hyper Beam, with Hurricane having higher DPS and Hyper Beam doing more damage per slightly slower hit.
The deciding factor here is that because Hurricane is a Flying-type move, it gains STAB because Dragonite’s secondary type is the same. After considering all of the factors, the trainer concludes that Hurricane is the best Charged Attack for a Dragonite moveset.
Dragonite’s Pokemon GO Statistics and Availability (2021)

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Despite being a 3rd tier raid boss, Dragonite is no longer available through field research and cannot be found as a raid boss. It cannot be hatched directly from an egg because it is a fully evolved Pokemon. However, Dragonite, as well as its shiny and shadow forms, can be found in the wild.
Information Capture
This Pokemon has a base catch rate of 5%, which means it may be difficult to obtain, so use Ultra Balls when attempting to capture a Dragonite. It also has a 5% flee rate, so keep that in mind as well. Furthermore, because its dodge-type is flying, trainers should brace themselves for some aerial manoeuvres from this dragon.
Dragonite’s Base Stats In Pokemon GO
- Attack – 263
- Defense – 198
- Stamina – 209
Effectiveness of Type
Knowing which moves Dragonite is resistant to and weak to will benefit both trainers who have them as an ally and those who are battling an opposing trainer’s Dragonite. Type effectiveness is an important step in Pokemon GO’s damage calculation, so make use of it to gain an advantage in battle.
In terms of resistances, Dragonite is vulnerable to Bug, Fighting, Fire, and Water-type attacks, taking 62.5 percent damage. Dragonite is even more resistant to the following types, taking only 39% damage from Grass and Ground-type attacks.
Dragonite, on the other hand, will take 160 percent damage because it is vulnerable to Dragon, Fairy, and Rock-type attacks.
Other Games’ Best Movesets for Dragonite

Dragonite’s Best Generation VIII Moveset (Pokemon Sword & Shield)
- Roost
- Dragon Dance
- Dual Wingbeat
- Earthquake
If competitive players have encountered enemy Dragonites, they are likely familiar with this best moveset, as it (and slight variations of it) are the most overused on this Dragon and Flying-type pokemon. Dragon Dance is an excellent offensive buff for a physical sweeper like Dragonite, increasing Attack and Speed by one stage each. Dragonites with the Multiscale ability can also afford to tank a hit while setting up, giving them a nearly guaranteed chance to use Dragon Dance at the start of a battle with little repercussions.
Dual Wingbeat hits twice, so it benefits more from Dragon Dance’s Attack boost than single-hit moves, and it is more powerful.
Dragonite’s Best Generation I Moveset (Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow & Stadium)
- Agility
- Wrap
- Thunderbolt
- Blizzard
Dragonite’s original best moveset is a lot more about abusing the Speed mechanics of Gen I games as well as the unbreakable lockdown of Wrap. Which is very different from the current metagame. When used, Wrap will trap the opponent for a few turns. Preventing them from attacking or switching out while dealing a small amount of damage to them every turn. Until they are released and have a chance to counterattack before their oppressor uses Wrap again. However, in Gen I, the turn that Wrap releases its target still does not allow them to move, which means that if the Wrap user is faster. They can continuously apply Wrap to both trap and whittle down a foe’s HP while they remain helpless.
Thunderbolt and Blizzard are simply there as powerful coverage moves rather than the set’s main focus. Which demonstrates how much the mechanics of Pokemon games have changed over time and across different series.