How To Use Wind Catcher In Genshin Impact. Wind Catcher is a 4-star gadget in Genshin Impact that allows players to fly up by catching the wind. You can make this device to use while playing this game. Here’s a tutorial on how to make and use the Genshin Impact Wind Catcher.
How to Make a Wind Catcher
Genshin Impact has a crafting system that allows players to create tools and parts to use in the game, such as Wind Catcher. However, they must gather enough materials from the wild, domains, or quests before proceeding to the forging table. To make the Wind Catcher in Genshin Impact, you will need the following materials:

- 10 Hurricane Seeds dropped by Lv. 30+ Anemo Hypostasis;
- 30 Windwheel Aster flowers found all-around Stormterror’s Lair, around the Statue of The Seven at Windrise and near Dawn Winery, or bought from Flora;
- 50 Crystal Chunks found in some locations in Mondstadt, such as Stormterror’s Lair, or obtained from Expeditions and Investigation;
- 50,000 Mora.

However, you must first reach Reputation level 3 in Mondstadt by exploring the country and completing quests. In addition, you must have completed two quests in this nation, including The Outlander Who Caught the Wind and Knight of the Realm, to be eligible for this quest.
After completing these requirements and gathering sufficient materials, proceed to the Blacksmiths’ Shops in the cities of Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma, or the Open-Air Workshop in the Serenitea Pot. Because there are four forging queues, you can forge four Wind Catcher bottles at the same time. This device can be made in less than 30 seconds.

How to Operate the Genshin Impact Wind Catcher
In Genshin Impact, a bottle of Wind Catcher contains five Anemograna, which creates a large wind current and allows players to glide upwards. To use this gadget, you must first forge it at the forging location. It will then be saved in your Inventory. Then, to use the Wind Catcher in this game, follow these steps.
- Go to the Inventory.
- Open the Gadget tab.
- Locate and select the Wind Catcher in the Gadget tab and choose to Equip it. Then, the Wind Catcher is ready for players to use on the left of the HP bar.
- Tap on the Wind Catcher button to summon an upward wind current around you.
- Stand in the wind current and tap on the Jump button to open the wing and glide up.

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The wind current will last about 10 seconds, which will be enough time for you to reach the highest point of the wind current and fly to your destination. Wind currents can be used for a variety of purposes.
- Reach high mountain cliffs quickly when traversing the map.
- Fly up and use a plunged attack in combat.
- Collect floating Anemoculus, Geoculus, or Electroculus in Teyvat.
- Glide up for a larger view.
That’s all there is to Wind Catcher in exploring Teyvat and collecting difficult-to-obtain floating items.