How To Find Fossil In Pokémon. Brilliant Diamond And Shining Pearl In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl, players can search the Grand Underground, a massive underground network of tunnels, for a variety of new Pokemon. However, players can also go there to collect fossils and turn them into new Pokemon.
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, the Grand Underground is a massive network of underground tunnels. These tunnels lead to a number of themed caves, where players can catch a variety of Pokemon that usually follow that theme. However, before leaving the Grand Underground, Pokemon players should explore some of the tunnels to see if they can find any fossils to bring back to Eterna City.
Where to Look for Fossils in the Grand Underground
To obtain some fossils, players must first visit the Underground Man’s House in Eterna City. The Underground Man himself, dressed in a blue jumpsuit, will be waiting for the player. If players approach him, he will give them an Explorer Kit, which is all they need to begin digging for fossils. After obtaining the Explorer Kit, players must proceed to the Grand Underground, which is a new location in Shining Pearl and Brilliant Diamond.
Simply use the Explorer’s Kit in the overworld to get to the Grand Underground’s map. Fossils can be found in the walls of any of the tunnels connecting caves, so players should keep an eye out for them.

The screen will look like this in both Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl. To reach the level of the fossils, all of the brown spots must be hit once, but the grey spots must be hit twice. Players must interact with various locations on the map until an object appears beneath the rubble. The top of the screen has a crack that grows with each hit, and players must find their fossil and completely excavate it before the crack reaches the left side of the screen, causing the wall to collapse and taking any still-buried fossils with it.
What Should You Do With Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Fossils?
Once a fossil is discovered and in the player’s inventory, they must exit the Underground and fast-travel to Oreburgh City. Look for the Mining Museum; inside will be a man who can assist players in transforming fossils into living Pokemon. When players first enter the building, they will see this blue-haired man behind the counter. Talk to him, give him the fossil, and then walk away. When the players return to the building, a new Pokemon will greet them. To obtain the new Pokemon, players must have an empty slot on their team.
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