How To Farm Macca In Shin Megami Tensei 5. has just been released on the Nintendo Switch, and fans all over the world are eager to learn everything they can about Atlus’ latest entry in the Shin Megami Tensei series. With a massive sprawling world to explore and more demons to recruit and fuse than ever before, a lot of trial and error is required to find the best combinations and builds.
Players will need a lot of Macca to fund all of this experimentation. However, simply playing through the game normally may prove difficult in gathering the Macca required. Here are some pointers to help players rack up Macca quickly.
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Demons must be defeated.

At first, the only way for players to obtain Macca is to battle demons. Fighting normal encounters to earn money is a common way to earn money in most JRPGs, so players will quickly default to fighting demons to earn some cash early on.
Most players, however, will quickly discover that the Macca they earn from fighting demons is insignificant. While players will need to rely on this method in the beginning, they will soon discover more effective ways to earn Macca.
Sell Excess Items

As the player explores the world of Da’at, they will come across a variety of consumable items. While many of these are extremely useful in battle, the player may find themselves with an excess of some of their less frequently used items.
Because some of these items, such as elemental shards and gems, have relatively low maximums, it may be advantageous to sell some to avoid exceeding the cap. However, it’s important not to sell too many because they can still be useful in battle. Always keep a few on hand.
Look for Relics

The most common way for players to earn money is to collect relics from the various vending machines scattered throughout Da’at. The value of the relics varies, but because they respawn frequently, it is possible to collect and sell a large number at once.
Obtaining the early-game Miracle Hand of God allows the player to obtain more relics every time they collect, increasing the number of relics they receive. For players who intend to use a lot of Macca, relic-collecting trips will be a common occurrence.
Go on a Treasure Hunt

Large treasure boxes dot the landscape of Da’at, and finding them is one of the many activities available to players in Shin Megami Tensei 5. These treasure boxes, a classic role-playing game trope, frequently contain a variety of useful items, including essences.
Treasure chests can also hold large amounts of Macca, which can be a huge help to players who are short on cash. Even if they don’t contain Macca, these boxes occasionally contain items that can be sold for a good price. Treasure boxes, unlike relics, do not respawn, but they can be useful for a one-time Macca boost.
Track down the Mitama Demons.

The player will occasionally come across one of the Mitama demons in battle, either alone or in a group. Killing one of these demons is extremely profitable because they can provide large amounts of Macca as well as rare items and experience.
Killing these Mitama demons, however, is more difficult than it appears. Mitama are only ever weak to one element and will always block any other element. Furthermore, their weaknesses change on a regular basis, and they are prone to fleeing. When it comes to tracking down Mitama, luck plays a big role.
Consult with Recruited Demons

The ability to communicate with demons is one of Shin Megami Tensei’s standout mechanics. By conversing with them, the player has the opportunity to add the demon to their party.
The player can also converse with demons that they have already recruited and placed in their party. In this case, the demon will recognise their presence and leave the battle, making it simple to end fights in an emergency. The demons will occasionally leave the player a parting gift of Macca, making this a risk-free method of earning money. It is heavily reliant on chance, but it can be a fun way to earn money while exploring.
Perform Repetitive Quests for Gems

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There are numerous sidequests scattered throughout Da’at, and completing them will grant the player various rewards. As the player progresses through the sidequests, they will come across some that are actually repeatable. These quests typically require the player to obtain a specific item by hunting a specific demon.
While the initial completion reward is only available once, demons will still award the player with gems each time they complete their quest. These gems can be used in battle for a variety of effects, but they can also be sold for a small amount of money. Completing these quests repeatedly can be a quick way to earn a lot of Macca.
In a battle, you have cornered a demon.

When this occurs, they can choose to beg for their lives. At which point the player can demand Macca from the demons in exchange for letting them go.
The main disadvantage of this method is that it is extremely. Rare for a demon to feel cornered, making it ineffective for quickly earning money. Even so, if a player happens to corner a demon while exploring, they can get a decent amount of Macca.
Use Omagatoki’s Magatsuhi Skill: Luck

Depending on their race, different demons can gain special Magatsuhi abilities. The Omagatoki: Luck Magatsuhi skill, which doubles the amount of experience and money earned from a battle, is available to the Element race of demons.
While using this Magatsuhi skill can be a good way to increase profits from a battle (especially a Mitama fight), there are a few things to consider, such as the effort required to recharge the Magatsuhi gauge.
Use a Quest Navigator to Conduct a Search

Companions have always played an important role in RPGs, and Shin Megami Tensei 5 is no exception. The Quest Navigator assists in pointing out various quest objectives, but their main role is to search for and discover various treasure points throughout Da’at.
When a player interacts with one of these treasure points, they may discover items, Macca, or even relics. Sometimes the Navigator will get the player into a fight, but those fights are usually with Mitama, making it a great opportunity to earn more money.