Where To Get Madness Ore In Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is now available for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. In addition to all of the official expansions, the Skyrim Anniversary Edition includes a slew of Creation Club Packs created by community members.
The Saints and Seducers Pack, which includes multiple quests, a new dungeon, new spells, and much more, is one of the most substantial of these. The Shivering Isles, home of the Mad God Sheogorath, are the setting for Saints and Seducers.
Where Can I Get Madness Ore in Skyrim?

Dungeon bosses are some of the most difficult enemies in the game, but they almost always have a chest nearby to reward players for defeating them. Dungeons can be anything from caves to castles, allowing players to freely explore while looking for Madness Ore.
When players receive a note from
In Skyrim, how do you use Madness Ore?

Players cannot use Madness Ore or Madness Ingots by default; instead, they must complete a quest chain to learn the secrets of crafting with Madness. After defeating Thoron, begin this quest by collecting the Note on Amber and Madness Ore, which can be found near the powerful Skyrim boss.
This note will start a quest to find another boss, Evethra, an arcane blacksmith who has mastered the Madness Ore forging process. After completing the quest and defeating Evethra, all players need to do is read her journal to discover the secret. Madness weapons are superior to Dragonbone weapons in Skyrim, but they are also slightly heavier.