How To Get Silver Armor In Skyrim. Players can collect several special armour sets in Skyrim Anniversary Edition, the majority of which have been brought over from Blades, the mobile Elder Scrolls offering. Among these sets are four pieces of Silver armour, and many players will undoubtedly want to obtain them all.
Where Can I Find Silver Armor in Skyrim?
To begin, players who want to obtain Silver armour pieces must first install the relevant Creation Club content.
After installing the Creation, players should go to Whiterun’s Bannered Mare and look for M’Sharra’s Diary. This diary appears as a note on a table, surrounded by plates with candles and cheese on them, and reading it initiates the When the Cat’s Away quest. The quest begins by instructing players to investigate Dragonsreach Dungeon, where they will discover M’Sharra’s Confession on the ground in the corner of one of its cells.

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While players will have to dispatch several Skeevers in and around this structure, they should have no trouble reaching the chest inside, unlocking it, and obtaining the Silver Armor, Silver Helmet, Silver Boots, and Silver Gauntlets.
After obtaining these four Silver armour pieces. Players can equip them and begin focusing their efforts on obtaining. Some of the other special armour sets in Skyrim Anniversary Edition. Fans can also work on unlocking some of the new player housing featured in this edition. Such as Bloodchill Manor and Nchuanthumz Dwarven Home. If a player has completed all of the Creation Club content, they can instead seek out some new weapons. Such as the Bow of Shadows and the Goldbrand fire katana.