Halo Infinite: How To Use The Repulsor. Halo Infinite multiplayer has a plethora of items and weapons that can be used to create some pretty impressive gameplay. The repulsor is one such item, and it does exactly what its name implies. It can be used to push objects and enemies away, as well as to save your life and set you up for some creative kills and splatters. In Halo Infinite, here’s how to use the repulsor.
The repulsor is one of many items that can be found in various item spawn points on maps such as Behemoth. When you pick it up, it will have three charges that you can activate by pressing the key that is bound to “Use Equipment” (Q on PC). When you use it, your Spartan will punch the air and repel any movable object.
In Halo Infinite, how do you use the repulsor?
Here are some common uses for the repulsor in Halo Infinite:
- Knocking enemies off the map to their death.
- Pushing incoming vehicles away from you.
- Taking shortcuts and getting in position.
- Launching grenades, rockets, or weapons in a direction.
In Halo Infinite, you might have a weekly challenge to splatter someone with a repulsor. You’ll have to basically knock them off the map to their death. That’s called a splatter. And it’s a lot of fun to pull off. You can also splatter enemies by launching objects, such as vehicles, at them.
This leads us to the next point. If an enemy vehicle is heading straight for you, prepare the repulsor because if you time it correctly, you can catch them off guard and completely turn them around or push them off the map. Timing is crucial in this situation, as you could be run over if you are a second too early or late.

Another thing you can do with a repulsor takes some practise. Toss your grenade in front of you and use your repulsor to knock it over to an enemy. If you time it correctly, the grenade will almost certainly detonate on impact. This gives the adversary much less time to react. If you master this technique, it can be lethal. It’s also a lot of fun.

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You can also use this item to increase your mobility by aiming it at the ground, which acts as a sort of rocket jump. Using it in this manner allows you to quickly access otherwise inaccessible areas, ledges, and positions. Create a f
Halo Infinite: How To Use The Repulsor
Similarly, if you have a weapon on the ground in front of you and want to pass it to a teammate, you can use the repulsor to knock it over to them. Alternatively, you can use this technique to keep a weapon out of the hands of an enemy. This can come in handy for you and your team in a few situations, so keep it in your back pocket for when the time comes. After all, Halo is all about map control and positioning!