How To Make A Skeleton Farm In Minecraft Mob farms are structures designed to quickly grind exp and mob drops in large quantities. Skeleton farms are among the most basic, yielding valuable bows, bones, and armors. If you’re new to Minecraft, learning how to build a Skeleton Minecraft farm is essential. Here’s how to build a skeleton farm in Minecraft, both with and without a spawner.
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How to make a skeleton farm with spawner
Firstly, players need to understand the mechanic behind Minecraft spawners. They usually follow the below rules:

- A mob spawner will summon mobs as long as there is enough space for them to be generated.
- Mobs are spawned within an 8x8x3 area, centered around the spawner’s lower northwest corner.
- The spawner will only spawn mobs if a player is within 16 blocks of it.
- The light level within the spawning radius must be below 7 for mobs to spawn. However, light does not disable spawners as mobs can spawn in any dark place within range.
Steps to make a skeleton farm in Minecraft
Firstly, players need to find a skeleton spawner to make a skeleton farm. These blocks only spawn in dungeons – Zombie spawners will appear 50% of the time, while the other two have a 25% chance of appearing. Because of this, you might need to explore a bit to find a dungeon or two.
Once you have located a spawner, plant torches around it to prevent it from spawning mobs.
Build a 8x8x8 room around the spawner, with the spawner placed in the center of the box. Be careful not to hit the spawner as you can’t pick it up. You can either support the spawner using blocks on top or bottom.

Place two buckets of water in opposite corners of the room, then dig away the part of the room that isn’t covered by water to make a water slide.
Construct a tunnel at the bottom. After spawning, the skeletons will be drawn to the tunnel you dig.

At the end of the tunnel, place a hopper, a chest and cover the top of the entry with a slab. This way, the dropped down skeletons won’t be able to see and shoot you.

Remove the torches from the spawner so that the skeletons can begin to spawn.

Though many people believe there is a way to breed skeletons in Minecraft, this is not the case.
How to Build a Skeleton Farm Without a Spawning System
Making a mob farm without a spawner is actually quite simple. Instead of mining the area around the spawner, players must construct a dark chamber 30 blocks around them. Mobs will spawn naturally in that area.
Then, construct a ramp with flowing water and a hole so that they all congregate in the same location for you to kill.

However, because Minecraft mobs spawn at random, it is impossible to create a skeleton-only farm without a spawner. Other creatures, such as zombies, spiders, and creepers, will spawn, destroying your build and making the grind inefficient. Furthermore, the spawn rate is quite slow, which slows down your grind even further.
In general, it is best to simply look for a skeleton spawner in the nearest dungeon. Overall, spawners are the best solution for how to build a skeleton farm in Minecraft.
How to Build a Skeleton Farm
The Wither Skeleton is a skeleton variant that spawns in the Nether. Their drops are critical in the spawning of the Wither, which yields valuable material for crafting beacons, one of the best late-game items. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making a wither skeleton farm:
- Create a platform on a cliff. Set up the foundation by building an 11×11 square out of Netherrack in a Nether Fortress. In the very center of the platform, add one additional block at the very center.
- Wear gold armor and lure a Piglin to the center of the platform. Box them in with a block then replace it with two layers of trapdoor. Wither skeleton attacks Piglins, and you need to make use of this mechanic.

- Afterward, create a 3×3 hole in the center, with three additional blocks removed on each side. The result would look like a “+” sign.
- Place a single fence in each corner to prevent the Wither skeletons from getting stuck.
- Finally, create a 5×5 area of firepits that line up with the above opening. Place chests and hoppers on the side of the pit to gather items.
- The final step is to cover each netherrack block above with a wither rose. This would remove the excess spawn and ensure all mobs spawned would be Wither Skeletons. Without it, eventually, the platform would become full and nothing would spawn.