How To Get XP Fast In Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8. The Fortnite is a truly intriguing one. A large portion of the skins on this Fight Pass are unique skins, and the cooperation skins that are a piece of it are astoundingly planned also.
Nonetheless, step up can appear to be somewhat of a toil on occasion, particularly assuming you need to get right to Level 100 or need to go for the over-evening out remunerations. In any case, there are a lot of ways you can cultivate insight and level up rapidly.
The principal thing you really want to know about step up is that it requires XP or experience. You get experience dependent on your presentation in matches and from Punch Cards.
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Most recent News
October 12, 2021 –
Epic has polished the measure of XP for Every day Punch Card Journeys once more, hopping the measure of XP acquired from 30,000 XP to 45,000 XP!
October 6, 2021 –
A XP buff was set up today to give players more XP while finishing Repeatable Journeys.
The progressions are as per the following:
- Common Challenge: 500 -> 2,500 XP
- Uncommon Challenge: 525 -> 2,650 XP
- Rare Challenge: 550 -> 2,750 XP
- Epic Challenge: 575 -> 2,900 XP Legendary Challenge: 750 -> 3,750 XP
These progressions should assist players with step up faster this Season, and procure those magnificent Fight Pass rewards!
Step by step instructions to procure XP rapidly in Fortnite Season 8
There are some secret accomplishments in Fortnite. These accomplishments spring up on your screen once you complete them.
What’s more, these aren’t actually that large of an arrangement. Landing first on the island, or perhaps getting the main kill. Or then again in any event, being the first to change a vehicle will pack you some XP.
Furthermore, these accomplishments revive in each game so you can in fact cultivate them without any problem.
Day by day And Week after week Punch Card Missions
Fortnite used to have it’s own list of day by day and week after week challenges. Nonetheless, Season 8 hasn’t uncovered any type of difficulties that players can acquire XP from.
All things being equal, Epic Games has chosen to bring back Punch Cards. Rather than Epic and Incredible level week after week missions, players can now finish every day and week by week Punch Card Journeys.
You can follow our aide on Punch Card Journeys to remain on the ball and level up your Season 8 Fight Pass rapidly.
Power Evening out Ends of the week
For far Fortnite Section 2, Season 8 has had two Power Evening out Ends of the week where players’ XP was Supercharged.
- 22nd October – 25th October
- 29th October – 1st November
Epic Games for the most part gives reasonable notification for these sorts of things, and they are an incredible opportunity to support those Fight Pass levels!
Get More Kills
The more Disposals players act in the game, the more EXP they create.
Here are the EXP rates for solo kills:
- 1 Kill – 50 EXP
- 2 Kills – 20 EXP
- 3 Kills – 40 EXP
- 4 Kills – 60 EXP
- 5 Kills – 80 EXP
- 6 KIlls – 100 EXP
For each kill after their first, they will get 20 extra EXP.
Players additionally get extra XP in Pairs, Threesomes, or Crews for wrecking and checking out rivals.
- Knockdown – 25 EXP
- Shakedown – 100 EXP
It requires some investment to investigation a rival, however it is certainly worth the 100 EXP if players have the opportunity to do as such.
Spot As High As could really be expected

The higher Fortnite players place in the game, the more EXP they will get!
Here are the EXP rates for solo positions:
- 1st – 300 EXP
- 2nd – 200 EXP
- 3rd-10th – 100 EXP
- 11th-20th – 25 EXP
Players need to put essentially twentieth to get extra EXP, anything over this will not yield anything.
Opening Holders
Frequently disregarded as a wellspring of EXP, chests, ammunition cases, and produce boxes all acquire a player a piece when opened.
Here are the EXP esteems for opening different holders:
- Produce Box – 65 EXP
- Fishing Pole Barrel – 65 EXP
- Ammo Box – 100 EXP
- Chest – 130 EXP
- Supply Drop – 135 EXP
- Llama – 735 EXP
Never pass by any of these without looking through them for simple EXP.
It may not appear to be a ton, yet everything accumulates during a match.

One more wellspring of EXP that players regularly disregard is scavenging.
Rummaging vegetables, mushrooms, and more will procure a player EXP, as will gathering Fireflies and fishing.
Here are the EXP upsides of each activity:
- Catch Fireflies – 25 EXP
- Collect Foraged Item – 25 EXP
- Catch Fish/Weapon in Fishing Hole – 80 EXP
The Sideways
The Sideways is another small game that Epic Games presented inside Fortnite in Section 2 Season 8. In this smaller than expected game, you enter an alternate aspect and wind up killing beasts.
Albeit the experience is quite short, you benefit get measure of XP for killing the beast stores inside the smaller than usual game.
Also, you can finish different Sideways experiences in a single fight royale match as well.
The longer a player survives in-game, the more EXP they will also get.
Here are the EXP rates for the amount of time survived:
- 2:02 minutes – 17 EXP (Pre first storm)
- 5:06 minutes – 51 EXP (Pre first storm)
- 6:04 minutes – 85 EXP (First storm)
- 9:23 minutes – 136 EXP (Pre second storm)
- 12:33 minutes – 187 EXP (Second storm)
- 18:10 minutes – 238 EXP (Pre fourth storm)
Essentially Fortnite players want to last 18 minutes to get the most survival XP.
Supercharged XP
Supercharged XP is meant to help out players who do not play Fortnite as much, offering boosted XP rates for everything in the game that provides XP. All players need to do is not play Fortnite for a day, and their XP will be Supercharged the next day.
Here is a hint, though. Supercharged XP will end up earning players more XP than if they have just played the day before. Also, certain actions, like earning eliminations, will bump the Supercharged cap, allowing players to earn even more XP. By rotating days playing Fortnite, it is possible for players to rapidly level up much faster than many players who play every day.
All the pointers above are for the standard battle royale mode. You still get a good amount of XP if you spend time playing creative too. Although that’s not much, you do get a decent boost.
Horde Rush Mode
Horde Rush Mode provides players with a few secret challenges to earn a bit of extra XP. These are as follows:
- Eliminate Enemies [1500]
- Get headshots on enemies [300]
- Eliminate poison or exploding enemies from at least 5m away [25]
- Collect score multipliers [6]
- Eliminate ranged enemies [250]
- Destroy enemy spawners [6]
- Earn a 50 KO combo [50]
- Open Chests [50]
- Deal pickaxe damage to enemy spawners [3000]
- Deal damage to enemies [100000]
Impostor Mode
The Impostor mode LTM was recently introduced in Fortnite Season 7. There was a lot of controversy surrounding this one because it was a direct copy of the popular social deduction game Among Us.
The community went into a frenzy after this mode was released. But anyway, you can earn a maximum of 15,000 XP during every game in the Impostor mode. And since the games do not really last that long, you can make quick work out of this mode.
Special LTMs
Apart from the Impostor mode, there are other LTMs as well that are fun to play and offer a good chunk of XP as rewards.
Not only that, you get a small chunk of XP if you play for a while in these modes as well.
Repeatable Challenges
The XP gain in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 was comparatively low. In order to fix this, Epic Games tweaked the XP system after the Fortnite 18.10 update.
As a part of the tweak, we got some new repeatable quests as well.
Now, we all know that Team Rumble used to be a favorite mode of the entire community. So Epic Games added a few repeatable quests to the fray. Not only do these repeatable quests give out XP every time you complete them, but they also hand out gold bars as well.
Have you got what it takes to make it to the end of the Battle Pass?