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Skyrim: How To Complete Survival Mode And Camping

Skyrim: How To Complete Survival Mode And Camping is a Skyrim Special Edition addon that was first released in 2017 as a Creation Club downloadable mod.

Skyrim’s Survival Mode alters many aspects of the game. Through new weather effects and the maintenance of fatigue, hunger, and other status effects, players will find themselves constantly challenged by the environment and their own bodily needs – stealing a Sweetroll doesn’t seem like such a bad idea if it means having something to eat.

How To Turn On Survival Mode

There are two primary methods for activating Survival Mode. Players leave the caverns beneath Helgen after escaping their own execution when they begin the game normally (in the traditional Helgen Dragon attack intro). When the player leaves Helgen Keep and sees the vast expanse of Skyrim, a dialogue box appears asking if they want Survival Mode enabled. The pop-up dialogue box briefly describes Survival Mode and directs players to the “Help” tab in the menu for a more in-depth explanation of the new systems.

However, there is an option in the system menu’s “Gameplay” tab that enables and disables Survival Mode on the fly, which can be useful if it proves to be too difficult or if the player has an Alternate Start mod installed.

Racial Passives and Gameplay Changes in Survival Mode

Survival Mode introduces a slew of gameplay changes that fundamentally alter how a player interacts with the world of Skyrim.

Many players believe it is significantly more difficult than the standard game. There are a lot of things to know before diving into this new mode – unprepared players will find themselves starving and freezing in minutes if they don’t know what they’re getting themselves into.

Passive Racists

Survival Mode alters many aspects of Skyrim, even from the beginning. Several of the playable races, for example, have new racial passives related to Survival Mode, which can greatly influence how easily a player can make it in Tamriel’s frozen north.

  • Dark Elves: Resist Fatigue depletion
  • High Elves: Resist Fatigue depletion
  • Nords: Resist Cold environments
  • Orcs: Resist Hunger and Fatigue depletion, Resist Cold environments
  • Wood Elves: Resist Fatigue depletion

Changes to the Gameplay

Survival Mode in Skyrim is a vastly different experience than the vanilla game. Some of these gameplay changes, such as having to sleep to level up, make Skyrim feel more like Morrowind or Oblivion, while others, such as the inability to recover health passively, simply make the game feel more immersive.

  • No Health Regeneration: Players have to heal themselves with spells, consume potions, or eat food to gain HP back
  • Sleep to Level Up: Skill points and attributes cannot be allocated anywhere, players must sleep in a bed (not wait) to level up
  • Reduced Carry Weight: Overall carry weight is reduced significantly, and almost everything has weight now (including arrows and lockpicks)
  • Not maintaining status effects can now lead to long-term Afflictions.
  • Vampires and Werewolves: Can restore Hunger by feeding, transforming makes the player immune to Cold (though it also removes Warm gear)

The Environment and Staying Healthy in Survival Mode

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Staying on top of an icy mountain for too long can now cause players to freeze to death, and not eating or sleeping now has the same effect.

These new elements alter how players perceive and interact with their surroundings. The path to Bleak Falls Barrow, for example, is now far more dangerous than in the vanilla game due to a lack of food, threats to health totals, and, of course, the freezing mountaintop itself.

Environmental Aspects

Looking to the right of the Compass, players can see what kind of environment they are currently in – a Sun indicates that the local temperature is Warm, while a Snowflake indicates that the local temperature is Cold. Cold has six levels, each with its own set of effects.

  • Warm: 10% resistant to Frost, Pickpocketing and Lockpicking is 10% easier
  • Comfortable: No effects
  • Chilly: Health is reduced a little bit, movement speed is lowered by 10%, Pickpocketing and Lockpicking is 30% harder
  • Very Cold: Health is reduced noticeably, movement speed is lowered by 20%, Pickpocketing and Lockpicking is 50% harder
  • Freezing: Health is reduced significantly, movement speed is lowered by 30%, Pickpocketing and Lockpicking is 70% harder
  • Numb: Health is almost entirely reduced, movement speed is lowered by 40%, Pickpocketing and Lockpicking is 90% harder

Players who get into the lower levels of being Cold can restore their internal temperature by standing next to something Warm like a fire, eating something hot, or holding a Torch (not simply having one in the inventory). Conversely, players rapidly become Colder in Freezing Water, instantly losing health.

Hunger, Fatigue, and Other Health Effects

There are two new personal Status Effects to maintain in Survival Mode, being Hunger and Fatigue. Hunger generally affects Stamina, while Fatigue generally affects Magicka.

  • Hunger
    • Eating enough food makes players Well Fed, and it’s better to eat cooked food than other food as it restores more Hunger.
    • Not maintaining Hunger lowers total Stamina, makes swinging weapons harder, and can lead to death from Starvation
  • Fatigue
    • Fatigue naturally depletes over the course of a day, and can be alleviated by sleeping (not simply waiting)
    • Sleeping in a bed indoors, like at an Inn, makes players Well Rested. However, sleeping in a bed outdoors or in an uncomfortable place does not.
    • Not maintaining Fatigue lowers Stamina and Magicka recovery, lowers total Magicka, reduces Potion effectiveness, and can lead to death from exhaustion.

Many players have discovered that the rate of decline of these two status effects is much faster than expected. Keep an eye on your current Hunger and Fatigue levels, and don’t be afraid to steal food if necessary.

Skyrim Camping

Camping allows players to create and place their own campsites anywhere in the world.

Taking the time to gather materials and set up a Campsite on an adventure, especially in Survival mode, has numerous advantages. It provides a covered place for players to sleep, a place of Warmth, and is a respite from the harsh environments in the Province of Skyrim in all ways (except aesthetically).

How to Create a Campsite

Setting up a Campsite is fairly simple, requiring only a few basic materials, a Forge, and an open location in the world. Collect three pieces of firewood and one piece of leather, then go to the Forge and look under the “Misc” section for craftable Camping Supplies.

When you’re ready to spend the night in the wilderness. Find a relatively flat area of land, open your Inventory.And select Camping Supplies. A dialogue box appears, confirming the campsite’s location. After a fade to black, a tent, campfire, and seating area appear.

What are the advantages of camping for the player?

However, for Survival Mode players, it is a near-essential resource that players should plan to carry a few of.

  • The Tent: Sleeping in a Tent won’t provide the Well Rested bonus like sleeping in a bed in an Inn. But it doesn’t make the player wake up Drained like a normal wilderness bedroll.
  • The Campfire: Provides Warmth that can alleviate the negative effects of Cold.

Skyrim: How To Complete Survival Mode And Camping