Shin Megami Tensei V: How To Complete A Preta Predicamen.In Shin Megami Tensei V’s Netherlands region, you can fulfil A Preta Predicament, a side quest for a demon. A hunting crew, it turns out, left in quest of food but never returned. To guarantee that the one it sent out returns safely, the devil urges you to go out and look for them.
This mission can found northwest of where you first start in the Netherworld, inside a tiny cave with several demons gathered around it. The demon will instruct you to locate the demon that went in search of food.

Your best bet to narrow down the exact location of this demon is to go to the next Leyline Front, which should be right before an Abscess. This Abscess is blocking the route forward.
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A demon is rummaging around the ruins at the Leyline Front. Speak with this demon to learn more about the person you’re looking for. Unfortunately, you’ll discover that the monster is beyond the Abscess, so you’ll have to deal with that first.
After you’ve defeated the Abscess, you’ll need to search the Netherworld for the demon. It should in a small cave with Apsaras surrounded by a swarm of devils. All you to do is chat with the demon you dispatched to find, and the demon you a Sake and Dango Medley returning home.

To collect all of the goodies, you must return to the demon who you the mission and turn it in. When you return to the Preta group, you must give them the Sake and Dango Medley. The group will assault you whether you do or not. You’ll be up against six Preta, all of them are level three. To make up for their bad behaviour, they reward you with a Haunt Tailsman if you defeat them.