How To Unlock Mosasaurus In Jurassic World Evolution 2. After fans wanted to see Mosasaurus in Jurassic World Evolution 2, the marine reptile is here, and here’s how to unlock it the fastest.
Many Jurassic Park fans may be planning ahead on what venture to invest in next as they enjoy building the world-famous parks from the ground up and more with Jurassic World Evolution 2. As park managers, players must carefully monitor their finances to ensure that they can afford their next Research Node, bringing them one step closer to their dream park. For many players, this means obtaining Mosasaurus, the game’s largest sea reptile.
Mosasaurus had an unforgettable appearance in Jurassic World’s classic feeding show scene and grand conclusion. Which many fans will never forget. When Jurassic World Evolution 2 was announced. Many fans demanded that Mosasaurus be included after its absence in the original game. Now that those fans have received their desire, this guide can assist them in quickly unlocking Mosasaurus.
How to Unlock the Lagoon in JWE2

The fastest method to gain Mosasaurus in this new Jurassic Park game is to play Challenge mode. As the Science Center is one of the first things players unlock. Unlike Chaos Theory mode, Challenge mode gives you marine and flying reptiles right away if you meet specific prerequisites. The conditions are simple, since players only need to boost the rating of their parks to two stars (2.0 Stars.)
How to Unlock Mosasaurus in Jurassic World Evolution 2

Mosasaurus will take a little longer to unlock for those who want to relive the Jurassic World Evolution 2 trailers. But it isn’t terribly difficult. Once the lagoon’s requirements satisfied. Fans will be able to access the first node for the marine reptiles. Which will aid them in their quest for the biggest of them all. There are a few nodes to pass through to get to the final prize, but they’re all fairly straightforward. The prerequisites for visiting Mosasaurus outlined below.
NodeRequirementsRewardMarine Reptiles 1Raise your Park Rating to 2.0 StarsIchthyosaurus fossils, Plesiosaurus fossilsMarine Reptiles 2AClear Marine Reptiles 1Liopleurodon fossilsMarine Reptiles 2BClear Marine Reptiles 1, and increase the park’s total Marine Reptile population to 3Tylosaurus fossilsMarine Reptiles 2CClear Marine Reptiles 1Eleasmosaurus fossilsMarine Reptiles 3Clear Marine Reptiles 2AMosasaurus fossils
In Challenge mode, it’s rather basic, and it appears to be the quickest way to upgrade these nodes without having to go through extra stages like hidden unlock tasks for the nodes themselves. Mosasaurus is such a rare find that 2 Star parks will undoubtedly see their ratings rise as a result of the aquatic reptile’s increased attractiveness in Jurassic World Evolution 2.