How To Open Locked Doors In Far Cry 6 . You might be wondering how to a locked door in Fort Quito. Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers. The Yaran Contraband Chest is hidden behind this barred door, and it contains The Autocrat, a powerful early-game weapon.
You’ll have to swim and climb a bit to open the locked door in Fort Quito. It won’t take much effort or time to unlock the locked door.
However, you will only be able to obtain the Autocrat if you are able to overcome all of the obstacles in your path. Continue reading to learn how to unlock the locked door in Fort Quito in Far Cry 6!
How to Open the Locked Door in Fort Quito
For starters you would have to find your way through the underground tunnel located on the North side of the fort

Then you would have to swim through a dark dingy cave that will lead you to the basement area of the fort.
Now you will need to climb up the ladder and walk towards the storage area. You will spot a door.
Once you have found the door you will see that there are no keys around to help unlock it and there no padlocks to be shot either.’

Although a Fort Quito key can be found during the Du or Die quest, it will not open this door. The key found in Du or Die can be used to open a different door that contains the depleted Uranium needed to finish the objective.
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Now to gain access through the door you would have to move to the right side of the storage area.

On the right side you will spot a wooden panel that you can either shoot or blow up into pieces. If you want to give it a shot with your machete, go ahead.

Enter the wooden panel by destroying the wooden panel. After you done destroying the wooden panel you able to enter the storage area and get yourself a the Unique Weapon – Autocrat
The Du or Die mission includes Fort Quito. To complete the Du or Die assignment, you must obtain depleted uranium in order to construct a Supremo. After achieving the main objective, players will be able to obtain the Autocrat.
The Autocrat
The Autocrat is a significant upgrade over the standard PMM pistol. It’s a tier 2 pistol with a rate of fire of 500 and an 8-magazine capacity. “Round that holds straight lines” is how Autocrat’s Armor Piercing Rounds mod is characterised. It aids in the penetration of helmets and body armour.
The Trigger Discipline mod will help you deliver better-aimed weapon damage, while the Gut Wrencher mod will help you provide improved body shot damage, as the name suggests. The Autocrat’s only flaw is that you won’t be able to change its mod loadout (like all other Unique Weapons).
The Autocrat’s high damage and long range make it ideal for wreaking havoc on your opponents’ life. When employed appropriately, the Autocrat can assist you in defeating your foes.