How To Find Rainbow Corn in Blue Reflection: Second Light. In Blue Reflection: Second Light, Rainbow Corn is a crafting resource. It’s a dish that, like in the actual world, is the original version of the yellow maize we all eat today. It’s utilised in crafting recipes throughout the game, and a few characters will ask for it as the plot progresses. This guide will show you where to obtain Rainbow Corn so you can get it as soon as possible and move on to other interesting quests.
Get ready to do some harvesting
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Rainbow Corn is a resource that can obtained by collecting floating glowing orbs. It can found in blue ones in places like The Faraway, but it can also found in bundles from gold ones. Because the appearance of these orbs randomised, there’s no way of knowing which ones contain what you’re looking for.

Picking up every floating glowing ball you come across is the greatest approach to find Rainbow Corn. You’ll ultimately find what you need, and the additional items you collect will most likely come in handy in future tasks. Kokoro is the first person who asks you to find Rainbow Corn. She’ll treat you to an odd tasting session when you’ve found three and returned them to her, in which she reveals how sour corn tastes when it cooked.