Destiny 2: How To Get Ascendant Shards 2021. There are numerous weapons and armour to unlock in Destiny 2: Beyond Light. Unlocking Masterwork legendary weapons and acquiring Exotic gear are the best ways for players to spruce up their Guardian. However, doing so necessitates gathering a resource known as Ascendant Shards. There are several ways to obtain these, so read this Destiny 2 guide to find out how.
To be clear, obtaining this special item will not be easy, and Guardians will need to complete pinnacle tasks. Players’ abilities will be tested whether they complete the ultimate challenge of Nightfall Strikes or win games in Trials of Osiris. There are some methods that require less effort but limit the number of Shards.
Anastasia Maillot updated this page on November 8, 2021: Ascendant Shards are a valuable resource that has undergone a few minor changes over the course of Destiny 2’s balance patches and seasons. As of Season of the Lost, there are only a few ways for players to obtain Ascendant Shards.
The presence of Grandmaster Nightfalls will be the most significant change for players. Despite their extremely difficult difficulty level, these will make farming Ascendant Shards more accessible to high-level players.
Table of Contents
Making Use of Ascendant Shards

At the Tower Kiosk, Ascendant Shards can be exchanged for old Exotics. One Ascendant Shard will be required to purchase one Exotic item. Players who want to Masterwork their gear will also require Ascendant Shards.
Exotic gear, in particular, will cost three Ascendant Shards per piece, indicating that this is a resource that players will require if they want the best gear available in the game.
It should be noted that a player can only have a maximum of 10 Ascendant Shards in their inventory. The Postmaster, on the other hand, can hold an additional ten per character, at least until they are destroyed along with other items.
Unlock them by purchasing the Season Pass.

Purchasing the paid version of the Season Pass is by far the simplest way to earn Ascendant Shards. Those who have purchased the game will be able to obtain a total of three Ascendant Shards from the Season Pass.
Nightfall Strikes Complete Master Or Grandmaster

Nightfall Strikes are currently rotated on a weekly basis, but Bungie has stated that players will soon be able to pick any strike and run it as much as they want. For the time being, players can participate in the weekly Nightfall Strike on Master or Grandmaster difficulty.
Ascendant Shards are an Uncommon drop on Master difficulty, but a Common drop on Grandmaster difficulty. Anything less than that isn’t worth running. To increase your chances of receiving these drops, defeat all champions in the strike.
Banshee-44 and Ada-1 sell them.

In the Tower, players can approach Banshee-44, the gunsmith, and Ada-1, the armour specialist, to buy Ascendant Shards on a regular basis. However, as one would expect, the cost of these Ascendant Shards is quite high. This is what most players will need to buy one Ascendant Shard:
- 10 Enhancement Prisms
- 100 Planetary Materials
- 50,000 Glimmer
Dismantle Masterworked Exotic Armor

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This is the guardian’s desperate solution. If you have old, Exotic gear in your Vault that you no longer need, you can dismantle it for a couple of Ascendant Shards. Typically, these will not return all three spent Shards to the player, making it a poor way to farm shards.
Earn them as a vendor’s reset rank reward.

Vendors such as Lord Shaxx, Commander Zavala, Saint-14, and the Drifter all give the player one Ascendant Shard the first time they reset the player’s rank with them. Following that, resetting the vendor rank will result in an Exotic engram rather than an Ascendant Shard.
Completing the Augmented Obsession Victory

This is a unique Triumph that Beyond Light DLC owners can complete on Europa. It’s a time-consuming Triumph, taking about eight weeks to complete, with a weekly limit on how many Braytech Transponders you can purchase from Variks. Speak with Variks once a week to obtain a Braytech Transponder, which you will need to complete the 8 Augment Triumphs. Return to Variks after completing this challenge for a single Ascendant Shard reward.
The Triumph includes an Ascendant Shard as a reward for completing it. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth it for the completionists and grinders out there.
Complete the Osiris Trials games.

The final method is to use every trick in the book to win Trials of Osiris games. An Ascendant Shard will drop from the Lighthouse Chest if you win seven consecutive matches without losing. Bungie does not make it easy for Guardians to collect Shards, which are a rare item for the best upgrades. However, if players stick to these activities, they will quickly run out of resources.