Del Fharis Castle Guide Tales Of Arise. Fifth major dungeon and the home of the game’s final Lord, Vholran. Vholran, like Almeidrea before him, is surprisingly simple to defeat, though getting to the boss fight will require some effort on the player’s part.
To get to Vholran, players will need to explore two large towers, each of which contains a plethora of useful items that will aid the party in the later stages of Tales of Arise. It’s a good idea to bring some CP refilling gels, as well as make sure Shionne or Dohalim is in the main party to keep everyone alive.
Tom Bowen’s November 7, 2021 update: Vholran should be obvious to players from the moment he is introduced that he is not like the other Renan Lords. He rarely displays any genuine emotion other than anger and is far more powerful than the rest of his peers combined. The latter, in particular, is something that players must be prepared for when they enter Del Fharis Castle. This guide will not only explain how to defeat Lord Vholran, but also how to raise the drawbridges in Del Fharis castle and where to go next.
Guide Sections | ||
Notable Items | ||
Entry Plaza | North Tower | South Tower |
Hanging Gardens | Vholran Boss Fight | |
14,100 Gald | Jet Black Vest | Elixir |
Omega Elixir (1) | 15,500 Gald | 7,650 Gald |
Battle Suit | Silk Robe | Owl #31 |
Gold Gel | Omega Elixir (2) |
Table of Contents
Central Entry Plaza 1F

After defeating the four guards, players should grab the Lemon Gel from the right side of the central water feature and proceed up the stairs. There are more guards to deal with here, but once they’re dispatched, players can proceed through the door and into a long corridor teeming with enemies.

The party’s path up to the castle’s higher levels is blocked by an open drawbridge, so players must enter through the central door instead. This leads to the Main Tower and a large ice wall, which Alphen can demolish for 20 CP. However, before doing so, players should enter the room to their left, where they will find some enemies and a blue chest containing 14,100 Gald.

A T-junction behind the ice wall allows players to go either left or right. They’ll need to explore both routes at some point, so it’s best to take a right towards the North Tower for the time being.
The North Tower

When players enter the North Tower, they will notice some Red Chamomile growing to their right and a blue chest containing an Elixir in the opposite room. There’s also a chest with some Pineapple Gel opposite where the party first enters the upcoming circular room. They should take the stairs to the third floor after collecting it.

Taking the left passageway leads to a 63 CP ice wall, behind which is a door that leads back out into Central Plaza. Players can find a blue chest containing an Omega Elixir here, so it’s well worth the CP required to complete the map action, especially since there are a few tricky boss fights coming up soon.

The passageway on the opposite side of the previous room leads to some stairs leading up to the fourth floor. The party will need to defeat a large group of enemies, including a fairly high-level Polymentus, in this area. After defeating all of them, players should proceed through the door to find the drawbridge mechanism and a blue chest containing three Life Bottles. After lowering the drawbridge, use the nearby unrailed ledge to drop back into the plaza below.
The South Tower

With the first of the two drawbridges completed, return to the main tower and take the path on the left. A blue chess board can be found in the first room on the first floor of the south tower.

After exploring all three rooms, players should proceed to the circular chamber at the end of the corridor, where they should turn left. A door leading back out to the Central Plaza and a red chest containing Rinwell’s Silk Robe armour are hidden behind a 62 CP ice wall. Once equipped, players should turn around and head up the stairs on the opposite side of the circular room, making sure to grab the Orange Gel at the bottom of the stairs first.

The following area contains more Lemon Gel in a chest to the left, as well as another large group of enemies. Players must defeat them in order to pass through the door that leads back to Central Plaza. The mechanism for the second drawbridge, as well as a blue chest containing a Heavy Treat, can be found here.

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With both drawbridges now down, the players can finally proceed upstairs. Assuming they’ve already gathered everything from the South Tower, they should drop down to the plaza below from a nearby ledge and then ascend the stairs to the fourth floor. However, before taking the elevator to the top, players should use the healing light to replenish the party’s HP and interact with Owl #31, which is located opposite the fourth-floor drop point.
Gardens in the Air

In the next area, there will be a short cutscene before players are thrown into battle with a high-level Kalmarzel. Players should target its glowing orange core, as they should with other large Zeugles, to trigger an extend.

Once the Kalmarzel is down to 50% HP, a second giant Zeugle will show up. This Kaldinzel is incredibly similar, though its core is on the opposite front leg. Players should switch their focus to the Kaldinzel at this point and take it out as quickly as possible. When its bar is empty, the two Zeugles will fuse together to form a larger, more terrifying Kaldinzel.

Though its attacks hit a little harder, the strategy for taking down the Kaldinzel remains the same. Players should target its core, aim to stay behind it as much as possible, and be sure to use Boost Attacks whenever needed.

After a few minutes, the Zeugle will go down and players can continue on to the next elevator, grabbing some Gold Gel and another Omega Elixir from the two blue chests nearby before riding it up to the Rooftop Corridor. Here, there’s another healing light and a door leading to the showdown with Lord Vholran.
Lord Vholran Boss Fight

Given the ease with which Vholran defeated the party earlier, players are probably expecting a pretty difficult fight. Vholran is so confident, in fact, that he even dismisses his elite guards, which, in hindsight, proves to be a pretty big mistake. It’s by no means an easy encounter, but, providing players have a decent grasp of the counter strike mechanic and equip accessories that mitigate water elemental damage, it really isn’t that bad.

Vholran moves around incredibly quickly, but there are occasional moments when he stands still, and it’s here that players should unleash their most powerful Artes. There are also special command prompts from time to time, which, when properly executed, will lead to an extended break period. The only thing that players really need to worry about is his Lex Talionis Mystic Arte, though this is actually fairly easy to dodge.

After Vholran’s health bar is depleted, a fairly lengthy cutscene will play out and players will need to defeat him for a second time with his Sovereign power unleashed. This battle plays out much the same as the first, though his attacks switch from being water-based to lightning and ice-based, so players should hop into the menu and switch up their accessories if needed.

The party then sets about using the five Master Cores to free Shionne of her thorns, but an unexpected visitor shows up and throws a spanner in the works. Following a few more cutscenes, players regain control of Alphen back in Del Fharis Castle and the final section of the game begins.
Where to Go After Del Fharis Castle

With the realm finally freed, players can now explore Pelegion at their leisure.When they’re ready to move on with the main plot, they should return to the Lavtu Marshlands and take the exit to the north.

This will lead the party to the Depths area, which, in turn, will take them to the Forland Mountains.

After reaching the end of the path and lowering a drawbridge, players will return to Cyslodia, where one or two new sub-quests will be available. At this point, the party decides to investigate the source of the massive beam of light, which means returning to Mahag Saar’s Hidden Wharf. Speaking with the boat captain there will transport the party to The Wedge, one of Dahna’s final mini-dungeons.