Animal Crossing: New Horizons How to get A Music Box.One of the new items added to with update 2.0.0. This a furniture item that placed anywhere in the game and provides players with a new way to listen to music.
The music box differs from other methods of listening to music in the game in that it produces a warmer, more traditional sound for the songs played with it.

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To obtain the music box, players must first complete the DIY recipe. This obtained as a gift from other villagers or from bottles. There’s a chance the music box will also appear in the Nook’s Cranny shop, but we can’t confirm it just yet.
Once you’ve mastered the DIY Recipe for the music box, you’ll need to construct it with the following materials:
- Wood x 3
- Softwood x 3
- Iron Nugget x 1
After you’ve completed the music box, you can set it down, interact with it, and then register any song in your inventory with it. This only needs done once. Once you’ve helped Reese and Cyrus set up shop on Harv’s Island, you can also customise the music box.