Age Of Empires 4: How To Rotate Buildings In AOE 4.In Age of Empires 4, the placement of your buildings just as crucial as the order in which your military troops built. However, there are times when overall strategy isn’t as important, and you’ll want to build your base and arrange structures in an aesthetically beautiful manner. If that’s the case, you’re probably asking how to rotate buildings in AoE 4.
While Age of Empires 4 adds a few new visual features to buildings, such as adding roads and paths to structures that are close together and automatically levelling terrain after placement, there are no other customization options or ways to rotate buildings before or after villagers put brick to mortar.
To put it another way, you can’t rotate structures to change their placement.
How To Rotate Buildings

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This is comparable to how building construction works in Age of Empires 2. Although no grid, each structure faces a specific direction that cannot adjusted or after it placed. It’s a step back from Age of Empires 3, where you could rotate structures in any direction, including diagonally, by holding the right mouse button.
The fact that you can’t rotate structures in Age of Empires 4 is irrelevant because any defensive construction, such as a Guard Tower or Keep, may fire projectiles in any direction as long as there isn’t a mountain in the way.
Every structure also has areas between it that allow troops to pass between them. If their build borders meet, for example, a House will not block the way between it and a Market. Building two Barracks, Archery Ranges, or other structures on top of each other will have no effect on how units naturally evacuate.
In any case, the inability to rotate buildings in Age of Empires 4 is a letdown for those of us (like myself) who obsess over exact building placement.