How To Get Asmodeum In New World.When it comes to endgame crafting in New World, a few key resources will stifle your progress. Asmodeum, a metal laced with dark magicks, is one such resource. The good news is that Asmodeum isn’t too difficult to create, but you’ll need to meet a few prerequisites first. We’ll show you how to get Asmodeum in New World in this guide.
How To Get Asmodeum In New World

Asmodeum is a metal created at the smelter with the following ingredients:
- Orichalcum Ingot x5
- Tolvium x1
- Cinnabar x1
- Obsidian Flux x1
- Charcoal x2
Orichalcum, Tolvium, and Cinnabar are the main constituents, as you can see. These materials come from Orichalcum veins, thus if you wish to cultivate them manually, you’ll need at least 175 Mining skills. If you’re wealthy enough, you could theoretically purchase all of these ingredients at the Trading Post. We wouldn’t recommend it because you’ll need a lot of Asmodeum.
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When you attain level 200 in Smelting, the recipe is unlocked immediately. When it comes to crafting Asmodeum, you have a daily limit on how much you can manufacture. You can only make 10 Asmodeum every 24 hours, unfortunately. That means that if you’re trying to make a lot of Asmodeum, you’ll be constrained by time. You’ll need to find another player with level 200 Smelting or purchase some from the Trading Post in that case.
Many endgame high-end formulas, such as Legendary Weapons like Rage and Gilded Defense and Legendary Armor like Voidbent, require Asmodeum. That stated, if you want to manufacture Asmodeum quickly, you should collect the components as soon as possible and aim to craft 10 per day.
Many endgame high-end formulas, such as Legendary Weapons like Rage and Gilded Defense and Legendary Armor like Voidbent, require Asmodeum. That stated, if you want to manufacture Asmodeum quickly, you should collect the components as soon as possible and aim to craft 10 per day.