How To Get Up Death Mountain In Zelda Ocarina Of Time .The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is widely regarded as the series’ pinnacle, and is regarded as one of (if not the) best RPGs of all time. In order to progress the storey, players must eventually make their way up Death Mountain, which is full of iconic locations. However, getting there isn’t as simple as running towards it, and there are several steps players must take before they can enter the area.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of many classic Nintendo 64 games that have recently become much more accessible as a result of the Nintendo Switch Online expansion pack. Other classics included in the expansion include Mario Kart 64, Yoshi’s Story, and Star Fox 64, though the
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Obtaining Princess Zelda’s Letter in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time How to Get to Death Mountain

There are a number of tasks that must be completed before players can proceed to Death Mountain. The most crucial of these is obtaining Zelda’s Letter. A Hylian soldier guards the closed gate leading to the foreboding peak, and will only let Link pass if the royal family approves. Players must travel to Hyrule Castle, which can be reached via Castle Town. Link must make his way through the castle grounds and courtyard, avoiding the numerous guards. Princess Zelda awaits at the end of the path and will hand over the letter after a cutscene.
In Kakariko Village, you can obtain the Hylian Shield.

Death Mountain, as fans of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will recall, is a volcano that regularly rains down firey boulders on Link. The Hylian Shield is the only viable defence against serious damage and almost certain death. To open a tomb, players must first obtain the Sun’s Song in Kakariko Village, and then play Zelda’s Lullaby in the village’s Graveyard while standing on the Triforce emblem. To reach the end and learn the new song, kill all Keese in the first room and avoid ReDeads in the second.
Return to the Graveyard and play the newly acquired Sun’s Song until the sun sets. Pull back the second-to-the-left flower-decorated headstone in the first row of graves to reveal another hole. Jump down to find the Hylian Shield in a treasure chest.
Ascending Death Mountain Trail
Players are now prepared to ascend Death Mountain, having obtained both Zelda’s Letter and the Hylian Shield. Speak with the guard in front of the gate and hand him the letter; he will then allow you to enter the new area. Head up the trail, making sure to use the Hylian Shield to keep the flaming boulders at bay. Link eventually arrives in Goron City, the home of the Gorons, where players will encounter the Gorons.
Entering Death Mountain in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Return to the point where the Death Mountain trail splits and continue up the unexplored path. Toss the Bomb Flower over the edge in front of the rock-blocked cave entrance to reveal the entrance to Death Mountain itself, a.k.a. Dodongo’s Cavern. After completing the dungeon, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time players can return to Kakariko Village and cash in their Gold Skulltulas.\