Pokémon Go: Can We Catch A Shiny Lampent. When you encounter a Pokémon in Pokémon Go, it has the possibility to become a shiny variant. The actual challenge is not only discovering them, but also determining whether or not a Pokémon’s shiny variant is enabled in the game. When it comes to Lampent, you may be fighting it in a raid with the hopes of obtaining a shiny version.

Unfortunately, there is no shiny version of Lampent or any of its current evolutions in Pokémon Go. Litwick, the starting evolution for this Pokémon, was first available in Pokémon Go in September 2019. However, it has yet to receive a gleaming version. During the 2021 Halloween Mischief event, it did not obtain its shiny variant; Spinarak did.
We can probably expect a shiny version of this Pokémon to arrive next year, hopefully. Everything is up in the air. Most Pokémon take around a year or two to get a shiny version, although Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure may have to wait a little longer.
It’s an uncommon spawn if it does. Litwick’s event, in its glossy incarnation, will most likely occur in