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Where To Find Azhdaha In Genshin Impact: Azhdaha Locations

Where To Find Azhdaha In Genshin Impact: Azhdaha Locations.Azhdaha Genshin Impact is a boosted boss that was first introduced in version 1.5. With his tanky abilities, the weekly boss can move between aspects and challenge players to their limits.

The boss has a lot of health, thus taking him out can take a long time, especially if players choose to fight him on the harder stages. Many people thought the fight was even more heated than the Childe bout.

Where is Azhdaha Genshin Impact?

Let’s take a look at where you can find this week’s boss, as well as his history.

Genshin Impact Azhdaha location

Azhdaha’s Trounce Domain can be found at Mt. Hulao, Liyue. Only after finishing No Mere Stone, Zhongli’s Story Quest: Act II can you access it.

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After completing this mission, the player will be able to take part in the Weekly boss battle. Players will next travel to Nantianmen in search of a gigantic tree that has trapped Azhdaha. Players can participate in a Domain dubbed “Beneath the Dragon-Qualler” inside.

About Azhdaha

Azhdaha is the Geo elemental dragon that has been mentioned in certain Liyue folklore. The Lord of the Nameless Treasures has many designs that describe his storey, and the Trails in Tinqiu world quest is also about him. He, like La Signora, is a powerful weekly boss.

Meanwhile, Weekly Bosses allow you to spend your Resin to acquire valuable ascension equipment, whether you have paid for 5-star characters or are a free-to-play player. To gain Talent level-up materials for Yanfei and Eula, you’ll need to defeat Azhdaha.

Where To Find Azhdaha In Genshin Impact: Azhdaha Locations