How To Defeat Master Blacksmith McCoy In New World. In Amazon’s upcoming MMORPG New World, quests are a terrific way to level up and earn significant rewards. The “Blacksmith Betrayer” task, issued by Shui Tijong in Brightwood, requires players to collect a number of secret weapon designs as well as kill a high-value target at the Corlew mining facility. The target’s name is Master Blacksmith McCoy, and he is the outfit’s new leader. However, he has recently been a source of contention for the citizens of Brightwood.
Quests can include gathering supplies, hunting down animals, or killing key adversaries, and the majority of them need a combination of the three. As a result, many players want to discover the best and quickest approach to complete some of the most rewarding objectives in the New World.
To complete this quest, players must know two things: where to find the weapon designs and how to fight Master Blacksmith McCoy. Fortunately, both are fairly simple.
Locations for Weapon Design in the New World

As part of the “Blacksmith Betrayer” mission, you can obtain seven weapon designs in New World. Players must collect these before battling McCoy, therefore knowing where they are is critical.
- Weapon Design 1 – Search the supply stockpile directly to the right of the main entrance to the mine.
- Weapon Design 2 – Move uphill until reaching a crane next to some scaffolding, and search the stockpile next to the stack of bricks.
- Design 3 – Cross the main path to the other side where there will be some stone blocks and wooden walkways that lead to a more open area, then move west to find a structure of large stone blocks and scaffolding. Go to the top of the structure and loot the supply stockpile.
- Weapon Design 4 – Head back to the main path, and follow it uphill until reaching the section that runs under a bridge. Take the ramp up to the bridge and loot the alchemy crate. McCoy will be nearby, do not fight him until all designs have been collected.
- Weapon Design 5 – Cross the bridge, pass Master Blacksmith McCoy without attacking him, and climb the scaffolding at the other end. Loot the alchemy crate at the top.
- Weapon Design 6 – Look around the bridge for an area with a cooking pot, and loot the provisions crate nearby.
- Weapon Design 7 – Loot the alchemy crate just next to the provisions crate that was just looted, and that should house the final design.
In the New World, How Do You Defeat Master Blacksmith McCoy?

All that remains is to defeat McCoy. Return to the bridge where he was discovered previously to begin the encounter. Because McCoy is a high-damage, low-attack-speed foe, evading his huge hammer is more important than absorbing or blocking attacks. Because he doesn’t have any ranged strikes, efficient kiting can nullify his power, making this fight relatively easy for ranged players in New World.
In New World, melee players can just dodge, attack, dodge, attack. Ranged players can strike continuously when kiting, but they must be cautious of McCoy’s jumping attack, which he may utilise to shorten the distance. It shouldn’t be too difficult with these tactics.