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Armonia Criptograma Chest Solution

Armonia Criptograma Chest Solution In Far Cry 6: Criptograma Chests & Criptograma Charts

Armonia Criptograma Chest Solution In Far Cry 6: Criptograma Chests & Criptograma Charts.The Far Cry 6 Armonia criptograma chest solution works in the same way as other similar chests. You must locate the two criptograma charts, also known as the symbols on the chest. However, since this is likely to be your first encounter with a criptograma chest, you won’t know what to do. That is why we have created this guide to show you how to open the Armonia criptograma chest in FC6.

Far Cry 6 Armonia Criptograma Chest Unlock

The first step in unlocking the Far Cry 6 Armonia criptograma chest is to vault over the fence to the left of the chest. Look up and to the right to see a piece of blue fabric hanging from the roof. Climb up by grabbing the roof. You’ll notice two car seats, one of which has a pile of bricks next to it. The first criptograma chart required to open the chest will be pinned to the bricks. A large pipe can be found behind the bricks and on the ground level. Drop down and crouch into the pipe, and you’ll immediately notice the second chart.

how to unlock armonia criptograma chest far cry 6
armonia criptograma chest solution far cry 6 how to unlock

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I’ve got you covered if you don’t know where this chest is in the first place. It is located on Isla Santuario, north of Armonia, south of Prado Meadows, and northwest of the Quito region. So, now you know how to unlock the Armonia criptograma chest in Far Cry 6 and where to look for it. Check out the screenshots below for visual assistance in locating it. Check out some of our other Far Cry 6 guides if you need help with anything else in the game. We have articles such as Angelito Flying Car Location, Sanguinario Location – Mythical Animals, and Mimo Abosi’s Triada Relic – Far Cry 6 Treasure Hunt.

Armonia Criptograma Chest Solution In Far Cry 6: Criptograma Chests & Criptograma Charts