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How to Keep Your Progress in Far Cry 6

How to Keep Your Progress in Far Cry 6. Far Cry 6 is finally available, but unlike most games these days, the save process in the game is a little confusing. In this guide, we’ll show you how to save your Far Cry 6 progress so you don’t end up wasting all of your time running around Yara.

How to Keep Your Progress in Far Cry 6

Far Cry 6’s map is massive, as is the game’s scale, which means it will take you a long time to travel between missions and other activities regardless of how you travel.

After a couple of hours, you may feel the need for a break, which is when the idea of saving your progress comes to mind. Far Cry 6 employs a smart autosave system to save your progress.

Unlike many other games, there is no option to manually save wherever you want, so you must rely on the game’s built-in checkpoint saving systems.

Far Cry 6 Auto Save Instructions

There are a few occasions when the game detects a checkpoint and saves your progress.

If you’ve just begun a mission or activity, the game will save your progress at the start of the mission.

After that, the game saves your progress automatically once you complete the mission or activity.

Fast traveling to an outpost or checkpoint is another way to force the game to save your progress.

When you first load in, you’ll notice a white save icon in the top right corner of the screen, indicating that your progress has been saved.

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The Problems with AutoSave

An open-world adventure game without the ability to manually save doesn’t make sense in 2021.

Other games do a much better job of implementing this feature, making exploring and deviating from the guided path rewarding for the player.

If something goes wrong or they accidentally trigger any enemy outposts, the player knows they can resume from their manual save.

Far Cry 6’s autosave occasionally misses the checkpoint, so you may quit after liberating a fort only to be taken back to the beginning of that activity.

That is why, whenever you want to quit, we recommend that you quickly return to your settlement and wait for the white icon to flash in the top right corner of the screen to ensure that your progress has been saved.

How to Keep Your Progress in Far Cry 6