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How to Play Third Person In Far Cry 6

How to Play Third Person In Far Cry 6. Far Cry 6 introduces a new third-person perspective to the gameplay, with a slight twist. In this guide, we’ll show you how to play Far Cry 6 in Third Person and what the limitations of third person POV are.

Far Cry 6 Third Person Mode Instructions

Since the first instalment, we’ve been playing Far Cry as an FPS. However, with the release of Far Cry 6, you can now play certain parts of the game from an over-the-shoulder perspective, similar to Assassin’s Creed games.

Although you cannot play the entire game in Third Person, and the player has no control over this switching, the game does automatically switch to Third Person at certain points in the game. When you leave a camp, you’ll revert to the standard first-person mode.

In Far Cry 6, third-person mode is activated during cutscenes and when you enter Guerilla Camps and other unique locations.

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When you use your Supremo backpack, the camera pulls back for a few seconds, allowing you to see Dani in third person as they activate their ultimate ability.

There is no option to play Far Cry 6 in third person outside of the specified third-person regions.

The third-person cutscenes, on the other hand, are a welcome addition to the series and contribute to the game’s overall storyline.

Switching to third-person mode in Guerilla Camps also allows you to show Dani your equipment and cosmetics.

Because you can’t see your own character in first-person and can’t really show off your wardrobe unless you’re playing online co-op, having at least a few areas where the camera pulls back is useful.

How to Play Third Person In Far Cry 6