Where to Find Briar Branches New world|New World Briar Locations.Briar Branches can be found near water in the New World and can be harvested for potion materials. They are also a part of Matthias Cormack’s quest.
Because all players on the server share the same materials, New World resources can be difficult to come by. Certain quests will require players to collect a set of resources, and the rewards are usually worth the effort. Items such as New World’s Azoth or Briar Branches may be difficult to locate, but there are a few specific locations where players will have better luck.

Matthias Cormack will give players a quest called a Prickly Request in New World. Cormack is the Windward Barkeep, and he will request that players gather some Briar Branches for him. Briars, which are large, thorny bushes that can sometimes blend in with the rest of the greenery in the New World, are used to harvest the branches. There are specific locations where you can look for this resource.
Gathering materials, such as briars or hemp, is an important part of life in the New World. Many missions will require players to collect, harvest, or craft items. Cormack’s quest is one of many in New World that require players to collect a variety of resources. A Prickly Request, in addition to plucked turkeys and skinned rabbits, requires players to search for Briars and harvest the Briar Branches from them.
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In the New World, Where Can I Find Briar Branches?

With so many people in New World, it can be difficult to find any resource. Players will need to find a water source in order to find Briars. Briars frequently spawn in a river near Windward (near the start of the quest). If there aren’t any, go to any other body of water (shown as blue masses on the map) and look near the water’s edge. Briars can be harvested to provide Cormack with the branches he has requested.
Briar Branches can be harvested for Briar Buds and Thorny Vines. Picking and harvesting various plants can improve one’s harvesting skills in the New World. Briar Branches have no other known uses besides the quest and this particular potion.
Briar Branches, like many other New World resources, can be difficult to obtain, but there are methods for doing so. In order to complete a Prickly Request or gather resources for potions, search near water and harvest the branches from Briars. The crowded servers of the New World make it difficult to find rare materials, but there are still methods for finding even the most scarce resource.