How to Find the Secret Boss in Deltarune Chapter 2 and How To Defeat Deltarune’s Secret Boss Chapter 1.Deltarune Chapter 1 features a secret boss that players can take on. This guide will instruct players on how to locate and defeat the ultimate Deltarune challenge.

Deltarune’s Chapter 1 contains a secret boss that players may have missed on their first playthrough. Players are eager to return to this magical world with Kris, Susie, and Ralsei with the release of Chapter 2. While Toby Fox, the developer behind both Undertale and Deltarune, works on adding new chapters, it’s possible that players haven’t discovered every secret within the existing chapters. In this case, players can face Devil, the game’s most difficult boss battle.
Players must first locate themselves in order to battle Devil. The devil can be found hiding within the Castle, the final location of Chapter 1, and players will require all three keys to open the door to him. After completing the Castle Dungeon, proceed past the shop and up the elevator to the first floor. Head down and to the right to find another elevator with the floor ‘????” and take it down to the ground floor. Follow the path after exiting the elevator to find Devil.
Speak with Devil, and he will tell you that you need to find a key to open the door. Speaking with Seam, the Shopkeeper will lead you to the key. Players can find him in the shop at the Field. Speak to him and select the ‘Strange Prisoner’ dialogue option. Players will receive the Broken Key item as a result of this. The only thing left for the players to do is fix it in order to open the door.
How To Unlock Deltarune’s Secret Boss Chapter 1

After obtaining the Broken Key in Deltarune, the game will provide hints as to where the rest of the key’s pieces can be found. To find the first piece, go to the Bake Sale and turn left. Continue walking past the two Bloxers to find a room with the black and white dancers who are blocking the path ahead. Take the path to the south until Kris appears to be walking off the path and on air. Continue forward and take the secret path to find a new section with Rabbicks to battle or flee from. Follow this path to find the second key piece.
The Field contains the third and final piece. Fast travel to this location and proceed to the right and up until you reach the earlier-mentioned puzzle. Players must set the combination to Diamond, Heart, Clover, and Spade this time. This will allow you to access the final piece of the key. Players must now repair the key in order for it to be usable.
Players will need to return to the Bake Sale to accomplish this. To find Smith Malius, take the path to the north. They will notice the player’s broken key pieces and offer to repair them. Players are now prepared to face Devil, thanks to the fixed key. Go to the shop to get some healing items and get ready for the battle. Return to the elevator with the question marks and proceed to the gate to begin the battle with Deltarune’s hidden boss.
How To Defeat Deltarune’s Secret Boss Chapter 1

For this Deltarune battle, players can choose to be passive or violent. Going peacefully rewards players with Jevilstail Armor, whereas going violently rewards the player with Devilsknife. The choice is entirely up to the player, as Undertale and Deltarune are titles that reward players with the ability to choose how they deal with battles. Players will only need to practice reading his moveset and dodging his attacks because this is the most difficult battle in the game. Fortunately, most of his attacks include text cues, making it easier to predict which move he will use. This is how players can deal with all of them. ”Catch me if you can,” Jevil will teleport, appearing on different sides of the screen and tossing spades. They are quite fast, so players must become acquainted with their timing in order to avoid them.
- Join the club if you’re still having fun”: Clubs will appear on both the left and right sides of the screen. They fly by quickly, so be cautious when they appear.
- ”Let’s make the Devil’sknife”: The Devil’sknife appears in a square. Players can avoid this by moving into the centre and back and forth between the screen’s edge and the centre.
- ”Let’s go on a carousel ride”: The horses will be riding diagonally across the screen. For this move, simply avoid the corners.
- “My hearts go out to all sinners”: Four hearts will sweep across the screen, spinning towards you. The players will be attacked by two pairs of hearts at the same time. Simply wait for them to approach and then move.
- ”Shall we play around?” Jevil will fire spiralling spades at you. This is a powerful attack, so stay far away from it to avoid being hit.
Once players have completed all of these moves, Jevil will enter his desperation mode. This is a sign that the battle is coming to an end. This also allows players to move around outside of the play area, making avoiding the knives easier.
It is not necessary for players to complete the rest of the chapter before attempting this fight. It becomes available at any time after reaching the Castle. With the release of Chapter 2, players can also go back and fight Jevil if they missed it during their first playthrough.