How To Counter Strongest Pokemons Weakness Chart In Pokemon Go. The Pokemon Go Weakness Chart reveals the weaknesses of various Pokemon types. There are numerous Pokemon types, each with its own set of characteristics. Let’s take a look at the Pokemon types’ strengths and weaknesses.

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Pokemon Go Weakness Chart 2021
Understanding your Pokemon types lets you know how to choose the best Pokemon in different battles. Here is the full weakness chart of all Pokemon Types in this game that you need to know.
Pokemon Type | Weakness |
Bug | Flying, Rock, Fire |
Dark | Bug, Fighting, Fairy |
Dragon | Dragon, Ice, Fairy |
Electric | Ground |
Fairy | Steel, Poison |
Fighting | Flying, Fairy, Psychic |
Fire | Rock, Ground, Water |
Flying | Ice, Electric, Rock |
Ghost | Ghost, Dark |
Grass | Flying, Bug, Ice, Fire, Poison |
Ground | Ice, Grass, Water |
Ice | Rock, Fighting, Fire, Steel |
Normal | Fighting |
Poison | Psychic, Ground |
Psychic | Dark, Bug, Ghost |
Rock | Grass, Ground, Fighting, Steel, Water |
Steel | Fire, Fighting, Ground |
Water | Grass, Electric |
From this Pokemon Go Weakness Chart, we know all types that your Pokemon is weak against. For example:
- Fighting-type weaknesses are Fairy, Flying, and Psychic moves.
- Flying-type weaknesses are Electric, Ice, and Rock moves.
- Water-type weaknesses include Electric, Grass moves.
- Ice Pokemon weaknesses are Fighting, Fire, Rock, and Steel move sets.

Top Strongest Pokemons 2021 & How To Counter
You may find out which Pokemon kinds are stronger and weaker based on the Pokemon Go Weakness Chart 2021. Because they have fewer weaknesses, single-type and dual-type Pokemons are frequently preferable to multiple-type Pokemons.
The top 10 most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO, as well as examples of how to counter them depending on the types they are weak against, are listed below.
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Best Attackers In Pokemon Go 2021
In Pokemon Go, the two major strategies are attacking and defending. Aside from each Pokemon’s strengths, weaknesses, and resistances, each Pokemon has a unique CP value that reflects its ideal function in battle. The top 10 Attackers and their Types are shown below.
- Mewtwo is a Pokemon with Psychic abilities. It’s one of Pokemon Go’s greatest Shadow Pokemon. This single-type Pokemon, on the other hand, is vulnerable to Dark, Bug, and Ghost, so you can employ these Pokemon to fight it.

- Metagross is the most powerful Steel-type Pokemon Go attacker, with the Meteor Mash heritage move. When you power it up, it becomes more powerful, but it is quite costly. Its flaws are fire, fighting, and ground.
- Machamp is another Pokemon that only has one type. It’s a formidable Fighting-type attacker.
- Most Pokémon defences are no match for this Pokemon. Remember to employ Fairy, Flying, and Psychic attacks to defeat it.
- Rayquaza is a Pokemon that may be classified as both a Dragon and a Flying Pokemon. Legendary raids are the only way to get it. When fighting Ice Pokemons, which are a typical vulnerability of both Dragon and Flying types, this attacker is quite likely to lose.
- Kyogre is the strongest Water-type Pokemon now. Hydro Pump and Surf are the most effective move sets against bosses and rock-type and ground-type defenders. However, this Pokemon would lose to Grass and Electric moves.
- Groudon is a powerful Ground-type attacker in Pokemon Go that is weak against Water, Grass, and Ice moves.

- Salamence is a single-type Flying Pokemon with the weaknesses of Electric, Ice, and Rock.
- Because it is only weak against Ground-type Pokemon, the Electric-type is one of the strongest Pokemon types in this game. Thundurus is a powerful Electric-type attacker, but thanks to the Pokemon Go vulnerability table, you now know how to deal with it.
- Lucario is one of many formidable attackers in the Fighting-type. If Machamp is unavailable, Lucario can be substituted. If you wish to combat Lucario, be sure to choose Pokemon that are Flying, Fairy, or Psychic.
- Despite the fact that Rampardos is not a legendary Pokemon, it is one of the most powerful attackers in the game. Rampardos’ Rock type, on the other hand, makes him vulnerable to Grass, Ground, Fighting, Steel, and Water attacks.
- Tyranitar is a Rock-type Pokemon that is vulnerable to Water, Steel, Grass, Fighting, and Ground attacks. If your opponent is the legendary Mewtwo, on the other hand, use this attacker.

Best Defenders In Pokemon Go 2021
To defend against powerful attacks, you should choose the best Pokemon Defenders. Here are the top ten Defenders in Pokemon Go that you should use.
- Mewtwo and Metagross are not only strong attackers but also useful defenders, so you should collect Pokemon Go rare candies to power them up. However, both of these Psychic Pokemons are weak against Dark, Bug and Ghost types. Metagross is also vulnerable to Fire and Ground as well.

- Slaking, Blissey and Snorlax are great Normal-type Pokemon defenders. This Pokemon type is only weak against Fighting-type Pokemon attackers. You can use Blissey when countering Pokemon attackers of other types. These Normal-type Pokemon defenders are easier to get than Mewtwo, Metagross, and other legendary Pokemon.
- Togekiss is a dual-type Pokemon of Fairy and Flying types. You need to evolve Togetic to get this powerful Pokemon Defender. To counter Togekiss, use Steel, Poison, Ice, Electric or Rock moves.

- Dragonite is a Pokemon that defends Dragons and Flying Pokemon. It’s vulnerable to Rock and Ice moves.
- Registeel is a Steel-type Pokemon with a weakness to Fire, Fighting, and Ground.
- Melmetal, like Registeel, is a Steel-type Pokemon defence, however it debuted in Generation 7. This Pokemon is Meltan’s evolved form, and it is vulnerable to Fighting, Ground, and Fire attacks.
- Shuckle is a Pokémon of the Bug/Rock type. This Generation 2 Pokemon defender is a dual-type Pokemon. Flying, Fire, Grass, Ground, Steel, Fighting, or Water moves can be used to counter it.
Keep the Pokemon Go Weakness Chart in mind during battles so you can choose the best Pokemon attackers and defenders and know how to rapidly counter your opponents. It will assist you in effortlessly winning the fight.