How to catch Evolve Litleo in Pokemon Go.With each new special event, Pokemon GO adds new Pokemon to capture from all generations. Those searching for a dual Fire Type will be able to choose from a number of options. Pyroar, the Royal Pokemon, is one such Pokemon. In Pokemon GO, however, Pyroar can only be introduced to the squad via Litleo.
The Litleo line has its own typography. They are immune to Ghost Type attacks as a Normal/Fire Dual Type Pokemon, but they have a Fighting Type weakness that single Fire Type Pokemon do not have. Litleo’s IVs in Pokemon GO are higher in Attack and Stamina, with a maximum CP of 1611. Pyroar’s maximum CP is 3129, and it finally acquires access to Overheat, an 11.96 DPS move. In Sunny Weather, both Litleo and Pyroar gain a small bonus as Fire Types.
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Catching Litleo

Litleo makes its debut in the Kalos Celebration Event on December 2nd, 2020. Players were able to acquire this Pokemon through Raids, but now that the event is over, they must explore the wild for Litleo. The most difficult element of acquiring Litleo is finding it, even though it has a catch rate of 40% and a flee rate of 10%. Players can make things easy for themselves by looking for places with a higher concentration of Fire Types. These could be residential areas or cities.
Trainers should look for Litleo while the weather is sunny to enhance the chances of seeing one. The Lion Cub Pokemon will face off against other Fire Types as well as Grass and Ground Types, although its appearance rate will be higher than hunting for it in wet or overcast conditions. When collecting Litleo, trainers should consider throwing Pinap Berries to increase Candies, which are essential for evolution.
Hatching a Litleo Egg

Trainers who are unable to locate Litleo in the wild might attempt to breed one from a 2km Egg. Eggs can be obtained faster than looking for Pokemon in the wild. Trainers have the possibility of obtaining up to 9 Eggs at PokeStops. Fortunately, 2km Eggs hatch faster than 10km Eggs, and Litleo are only found in 2km Eggs.
To hatch one, players will need to use the Egg Incubator and walk the set distance to hatch it. Bear in mind that purchasable Egg Incubators can only be used 3 times.
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Evolving Litleo

Gender disparities exist in some Pokemon. In comparison to a female and male Pikachu or a female and male Wooper, Litleo lacks visible gender differences. In Pokemon GO, however, the gender of a Pokemon is denoted by the blue (male) or pink (female) emblem next to its health metre.
Trainers who want a male Pyroar will have to wait a little longer. Litleo has a male-to-female ratio of 12.5 percent for males and 87.5 percent for females. This is a reference to real-life lion prides, which are primarily female with a small number of males. It’s worth noting that the male and female Pyroars have identical stats. As a result, if the player dislikes the Pyroar’s appearance, they can continue with evolution.
As with the Pokemon GO tradition, Pokemon evolution is achieved through feeding Pokemon candies. While some Pokemon have extra steps, Litleo needs only 50 Litleo Candy to evolve into Pyroar. Candy can be obtained by capturing more Litleo, or players can instead use Rare Candy if they have some available.

Litleo is a good choice for trainers looking for a Fire Type that is immune to Ghost Type. The time it takes to add one to the squad varies depending on the individual. With the correct moveset, a trainer can make Pyroar a powerful addition to the squad if they are serious enough.