How to Get Tar And DarkWood in Valheim. It’s kind of strange that in the world there are several natural wood shades. I think that the trees are living things, after all, because they adapted to your environment, they have different shades and colours, depending on where they live. And hey, in a rural cabin, the dark wood looks fantastic. In this guide we will examine how Dark Wood can obtained and certain uses in Valheim.
With the Hearth and Home update in Valheim, the game’s list of potential craftsmanship materials added with dark wood. Dark wood is functionally the same as regular wood, but its darker colour gives it a striking look. Sadly, however, dark wood does not occur naturally in the Valheim world. It can only made from a regular wood and important material: tar. The only way of making it. I hope you have galoshes, because the time has come to find liquid dinosaurs.
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Can you Find Dark Wood in Valheim?
Here is how to get Dark Wood in Valheim:
- Find a tar pit in the Plains biome.
- Harvest the tar from the globs around the pit or by draining the pit itself.
- Combine the tar with wood or fine wood to craft dark wood items.
There numerous sticky tar pits scattered around the Plains biome. It looks quite like it sounds: a big bottom with inky darkness, usually surrounded by some big bones that flow from the soil. It looks quite like a lot. Don’t go willy-nilly towards these wells, however, because the grows, a new type of tar dwelling enemy, guarded. Try to keep your distance and fight with fire arrows, as they will hit you with a fast debuff if you come close.
There are three ways of getting tar out of a pit, and you already did the first way. Each growth you kill will produce a few lootable tar clumps. The second method is to seek large globes from the ground in the vicinity of the pit. For some more harvestable tar, these globes can interacted with. Finally, the tar drains, revealing additional globes on the bottom when you dig a small trench next to the box.

When you have tar, some wood and some fine wood, open the hammer menu section and find all the parts of the dark wooden building and build it to the content of your heart. Remember that if you want more dark wood stuff, you will need to restore your tar.
A few things you can craft of the Dark Wood variety in Valheim include:
- Shingle roof pieces – 2 Wood, 1 Tar, Workbench
- Darkwood poles and beams – Wood, Tar, Workbench
- Carved Darkwood Divider – 2 Fine wood, 1 Tar, Workbench
- Darkwood Arch – 2 Wood, 1 Tar, Workbench
- Raven adornment – 10 Fine wood, 1 Tar, Workbench
- Wolf adornment – 10 Fine wood, 1 Tar, Workbench