How to get Marvel Carnage skin in Fortnite Season 8.Season 8 is about to start in a shrill and mysterious manner. So what better Marvel than the sadistic symbiote Carnage to add this season. Naturally, it will take a while to release him.
The battle pass of Season 8 is a bit of a light on licenced characters, but it is a cool change in pace. Fortnite Season 7 had a number of licenced tracks (Rick Sanchez and Superman) throughout the season.
There can be no doubt that for the next few months Fortnite Season 8 will be full of crossover characters. The Carnage skin, however, is quite cool indeed. Similar to the skin introduced by Marvel Venom a few seasons ago, there is even one mythic weapon.

Unlock Carnage in Fortnite Season 8
Only those buying the Fortnite Season 8 battle pass have carnage available. Again this season, the Battle Stars system is used. This allows players to choose the items that they first want to unlock.
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Unfortunately, it takes a while to unlock Carnage as the “Level 100” skin. On page 10 of the Season 8 Battle Pass is the Fortnite Carnage Skin. This means that players must reach level 90 or unlock 90 payments to this page.
They need to win 9 battle stars, equivalent to 2 level even when players reach that criterion. The Carnage pickaxe, back bling and glider may also be unlocked by the players. Carnage also has other styles that can be opened when the fighting pass is finished.

In addition to Carnage, there will likely be many more crossovers this season. With Season 8 lasting until December 5th, there’s plenty of time to see more licensed characters added.