New Valorant Map ‘Fracture’ Revealed by Riot. In Fracture, we have the seventh map in our series, Valorant. Fracture’s fresh layout and unique visuals immerse players in the fight between the two universes, bringing them closer to the action. There are a variety of challenges in Fracture, from the spawning of two attackers to the use of ziplines to travel the entire area. As of September 8, patch 3.05 will include the map.
Listed below is all the information we have on it!
Fracture’s Key Features
Because of the H form of Fracture, attacking players can start their round on two different sides of the map at once, while defending players will start their round just where they started: in the middle of both worlds!
“Having two sides to attack/defend each site from was challenging in early playtests. ” said George Sokol, Lead Environment Artist for Valorant “This led to us giving each quadrant of the map a distinct visual identity so that players can get a better sense of direction and aid with clear callouts.“
The well-thought-out design of the two sites will make it easy for players to become used to this map: In contrast to the harsh desert setting of A site, B site is characterised by lush, overgrown vegetation that has engulfed the science facility.
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The centre collider is located in the centre of the level, right above where players can zipline through the area. A series of ziplines will connect the map’s two halves, allowing players to get from one side to the other with ease.
Also, Fracture will introduce a brand-new aspect to Valorant: Fracture. I believe it will be one of the first maps to include a variety of interactive elements scattered across it Uncertainty surrounds the nature of these artefacts, as well as their potential effects on gameplay and agent selection, but it is certain that they will influence players’ decisions about which sites to attack and what weapons to deploy.
A final thought: You’ll find ten Tac-Bears scattered over the map. Find them (players and spectators) as soon as possible.
Lore and Storyline

“Fracture” plays a vital role in the timeline of the struggle between the two Earths, according to Valorant’s David Nottingham, the game’s creator. So the Valorant department put money into environmental and visual narrative to enable curious players figure out what’s going on with the enigmatic war on the new area.”
Following exposure to Mirror Earth and the Duality cinematic, Fracture will be launched as the first map. As a result of a deeper study at the struggle between the two Kingdoms, Fracture will let players better grasp both the mirrorverse and both Kingdoms.