How to get a zombie horse in Minecraft.Another Minecraft variant, similar to skeleton horses, are Zombie horses. Zombies. They are like zombies, with completely black green skin and eyes. They saddled and ridden just like regular horses. They are useful for long distances, hills or closed jumping.
Zombie horses are one of Minecraft’s quickest means of transport. They’re worth much, and they don’t have to be tamed.
Getting a zombie horse in Minecraft

Zombie horses don’t naturally spawn on the game as opposed to skeleton horses. There’s no way for a player to convert a horse into a horse of zombies, not even by trapping them into a zombie villagers. The zombie horse in Minecraft procured by two methods.
They called first. Both Bedrock and Java Edition are available to summon them, with most platforms supported. “/summon zombie horse [pos]” is the summon command for a Zombie horse. If no position (x,y,z,coords) set, then spawned at the current position of the player.
The only other way to enter a Minecraft world is by spawning an egg. However, they used only in creative mode. Without Creative, there is no way to get a spawned egg. That is, without disabling achievements, there is no way to get a zombie horse into a game.

However, the effort is still worthwhile. They are one of the fastest and probably the best horse in the game. They have no good loot, however, and they cannot carry anything. You just have a slot for the inventory. But they can’t beat to travel. You’re also jumping quite high. Zombie horse is one of the game’s best ridiculous mobs.