How to find desert pyramid And Loot treasure minecraft 1.17.Sandstone structures such as the desert pyramid or desert temple appear only in deserts in Minecraft. There is a hidden chamber in each pyramid that contains loot that is guarded by a TNT A decent boost in progression would be provided by players who find this early on. To demonstrate we are going to showcase how to beat the Desert Pyramid in Minecraft.
How to find the Desert Pyramid in Minecraft

As a first step, you’ll need to locate a desert Alternatively, ride a boat down the coast or climb to the highest point possible (like a mountain). Finding one shouldn’t take too long.
Seeing these pyramids in Minecraft’s barren deserts, a biome that most people avoid, is a big incentive for players to explore However, they blend in well with the sand and can be difficult to spot. Look around from the highest point in the desert biome. The alternative is to build a 1×1 tower and climb to the top.
In order to avoid wasting time, simply type “/seed” in the chatbox and copy the seed code, which you can then paste into the desert temple finder website. X and Y boxes allow you to enter your own coordinates, and the site will show you the closest desert temple to your current location
How to loot the Desert Pyramid in Minecraft
Normal, chiselled, and cut sandstone, sandstone slabs, and sandstone stairs, as well as orange and blue terracotta, make up desert pyramid In total, the building has three entrances, one on the ground floor and two on either side of the roof. At the top of the desert pyramid, there’s also a one-block-wide hole, which you can use to enter if necessary.

Above a checkerboard pattern of terracotta and sandstone is the pyramid’s main chamber. In the centre of the chamber are four chests, each with a 3×3 grid of TNT traps that are rigged by a stone pressure plate. Upon stepping on the plate, the TNT trap would detonate, destroying the chests and loot inside.

Here you’ll find an Enchanted Golden Apple, one of Minecraft’s most sought-after resources. You can clear the desert pyramid much more quickly than the other structures, despite the lower spawn chance. Multiple pyramids can also spawn in a desert biome, increasing the spawn chance.
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