Minecraft has so many blocks that just looking at them can overwhelm you. Minecraft Shroomlight is a rare block. This Minecraft light block is described in more detail below.
What is Minecraft Shroomlight?
Light-emitting blocks called shroomlights appear inside giant fungi in Minecraft. Look for some shroomlights if you hate the dark! They have the highest light level in the game, 15. As solid blocks, shroomlights allow Redstone signals to pass through, unlike Glowstone.
Where Shroomlight spawns naturally
When it comes to the Nether realm, specifically in the Crimson and Warped, Shroomlight can be found. Blocks of fungi the size of a football field. There’s a chance that the shroomlight blocks at the top will be contained by the giant mushrooms. Huge fungi can be either naturally occurring or cultured with bone meal. As a result, you can farm shroomlight if you first kill a skeleton.
Use your hands or a tool to get the shroomlight. Hoeing it down, however, is the fastest method of doing so.

What can you use Minecraft Shroomlight for?
Shroomlight is the brightest light source in Minecraft, so the first thing you can do with it is light up your home. If your home has a 15-level light, you don’t need too many of them.
In Minecraft, shroomlight is, on the other hand, extremely rare. Even more difficult to obtain, it only spawns in the Nether. For you to find shroomlight, you will have to battle your way through the underworld.

In terms of crafting, there hasn’t been a single recipe in Minecraft that uses shroomlight.