How To Get Mega Evolution Work in Pokemon go. In Pokemon Go, Mega Evolutions allows users to power their existing creatures into a stronger form. These developments took place first in the main games with Pokémon X and Y, using some stones in battle.
In order to function, Mega evolution needs to use a new item, which is Mega Energy. Here is our guide on how to get Mega Energy Pokemon Go as you should know all about it.

How to get Mega Energy before diving Pokemon Go, let’s see how Mega Evolutions and some Mega Energy FAQs work.
When a Pokemon develops mega players, the bonuses will get more temporarily. You can see what ‘mon’ mega-developed by selecting it in your Pokemon storage. You can develop the Mega power and Mega button close to the candy indicator.
Table of Contents
Which Pokémon gets mega energy?
You can develop any of your mega energies by Mega Episodi, Charizard, Blastoise, and Beedrill.
Players can Mega evolve these Pokemon as long as they have an ample number of their respective Mega Energy.
- Venusaur
- Abomasnow
- Charizard
- Blastoise
- Ampharos
- Beedrill
- Gengar
- Houndoom
- Pidgeot
- Altaria
- Gyarados
- Manectric
- Lopunny

The final shake of this species is every Mega developed Pokemon. Thus, the Charizard or Blastoise can be mega developed, but Charmeleon and Wartortle cannot bear that same thing.
Hardcore collectors can stay permanently in their Mega Pokédex for the main reason they have developed mega pokemons.
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How long does mega energy last in Pokemon Go?
Now is eight hours instead of four, for a Pokemon to stay in a mega-changing way. Mega Energy’s maximum has also increased between 999 and 2,000. The limit depends upon each type of Mega Energy, not the whole amount of Pokemon Species you have.
Scroll the counting down timer on the right side of the map screen to see how much time remains to your mega-évolution.

How to get Mega Energy Pokémon Go
Now to the main section. Remember that Mega Energy is unique to every Pokemon and works like Candy in Pokemon Go. For instance, if one player wishes a Mega Bulbasaur to become a Mega Bulbasaur, it will take Mega Energy for Bulbasaur.
But how could you at Pokemon Go get Mega Energy? We can reach the bottom by carrying out raids, doing research work and walking with a Pokemon buddy.
1. Do raids
Mega Energy can be acquired mainly through Mega Raids, a Mega Pokemon encounter. You’re going to earn the mega energy you’re against Pokemon.
The faster you conquer a Mega Raid, the better you receive Mega Energy. Thanks to the feedback of the players, the amount increased.

2. Complete research tasks
Another way to get Mega Energy Pokemon Go is by completing certain research tasks and providing you with mega energy to an exclusive Pokemon.
The Special Research Awards have shown this as a reward. That is, players can use A Mega Discovery to get Mega Energy for Beedrill.
Since Mega Energy is unique to every type of Pokemon and rotates inside and out of raids, we believe that more methods are needed to gain energy over time.
3. Walk buddy Pokemon
Walking with you, Buddy, is one of the two Mega Energy methods that were added together with research tasks on September 3, 2020.
The player must have developed a mega Pokemon in the evolutionary line for this bonus
You can get this mega energy when you walk with your Pokemon buddy, for example, if you have Mega Blastoise in your Mega Pokédex and you chose Squirtle as the buddy.
Rules for Mega Evolutions
There are more rules to Mega Evolutions you had better take notice of:
- Players can only have one Pokemon Mega Evolved at once. If they evolve another Pokemon, the other one will transform back to its normal form.
- Clone Pokémon cannot go through a Mega Evolution.
- Mega Evolution is also not available for Shadow Pokémon.
- You will find Mega Evolutions in the Pokedex below the ‘Mega Pokédex’.
- Two new medals will be added to the game. While one od designed for Unique Mega Evolutions collecting, the remaining is for total Mega Evolutions.
- A mega evolved Pokémon cannot be used to defend a gym.

Above is a player’s main information about Mega Energy Pokemon Go. Don’t miss any more handy guides!