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Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?

Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?.Players need to fit armour to increase resistance to survive in the Minecraft world and its dangerous masses. But if you have the best armour already, you can strengthen them by enchanting them. If you wonder what enchantment you should use, check or check the list of best armour enchantments in Minecraft.

Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?

Here are Minecraft’s best armour enchantments for all kinds of armour, such as helmet, chestplates, leggings, boots. If possible, you should have all these delights on your armour.

Protection IV Enchantment

This charm increases the rate of your armor’s damage reduction. Higher levels of protection will reduce further damage. The enchantment for protection IV will reduce damage by 16%. If the protection IV is enchanting all of your armour pieces, you will have to reduce your damage by a total of 64 percent.

Mending Enchantment

This delight will prevent breaches of your armour by automatically repairing them with experimental orbs. 2 durabilities for 1 XP are available. This delight keeps your armour long-lasting when you are constantly fighting many people.

Only through mending enchanting books that are available through dungs, fishing, trade, and other means can this enchantment be found.

Unbreaking III Enchantment

This charm lets your armour not lose long-lastingness when it takes damage. Higher level Enchantments that are unbreakable will give you a greater chance. Unbreak III enchantment gives you a 30% chance of not being durable, making your armour 43% longer.


  • There are other protection enchantments such as Fire Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV, Blast Protection. They are all mutually exclusive so you can only choose one of them. Protection IV is the best option because it can be used in all situations.
  • Thorn III is an enchantment that gives your armor a chance to inflict damage to the attacker. However, this enchantment will reduce the durability of your armor whenever deal damage o the attacker.

What are the best enchantments for helmet?

  • Protection IV, Mending, and Unbreaking III
  • Aqua Affinity – This is a very important enchantment because it will increase your mining speed while you are underwater. Without it, your mining speed will be slowed by 5 times underwater.
  • Respiration III – This enchantment helps you breathe underwater for 45 seconds longer, giving you some more time before you have to resurface to get more air.

The best enchantments for chestplates and leggings?

  • Protection IV, Mending, and Unbreaking III
  • You don’t need to have any other enchantments for these 2 pieces of armor other than the above 3 enchantments.

What are the best enchantments for boots?

What are the best enchantments for boots?
  • Protection IV, Mending, and Unbreaking III
  • Feather Falling IV: This enchantment reduces your falling damage by 50%. It stack multiplicity with the damage reduction of Protection IV. When you have both of the enchantments, you can reduce up to 80% falling damage.
  • Depth Strider III or Frost Walker II: You can pick only one of these 2 enchantments to put on your Boots. Depth Strider III helps you swim as fast as you walk on the ground. Frost Walker II allows you to walk on water by turn the water under your feet into ice. This enchantment also prevents you from taking damage when walking on magma blocks and campfires.

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How to enchant in Minecraft

First you need to create a table of enchantment. You need 5 Obsidian, 2 Diamond and 1 Book to make a table of enchantment.

How to enchant in Minecraft

To open the table with a Right-click. A menu of two places will be displayed, one to put your armour, your instruments, your weapons and the other to add lapis lazuli to the enchantment table. The other one is available to you. You’ll also be delighted at some level.

Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?

You must place more bookshelves around the Enchantment Table to find better enchantments. You need to be at a higher level and cost more levels with a powerful enchantment. In addition, you can’t tell what delight you have, the delight would hidden.

Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?

Instead you can delight a book and combine the book with your armour, weapon, instruments in the Anvil. It can done with the charm that you want.

Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?

One way of gaining a higher delight is to use the Anvil to combine 2 items with the same delightful level. For instance, you will get a helmet with Protection IV if you combine 2 helmets with Protection III. This is the best way to get the best armour enchants from Minecraft.Best Armor Enchantments In Minecraft 2021?