How To Get The Shadow Earthshaker Bundle For Free In Free Fire?.In its third round of Garena Free Fire under the moniker New Dawn, the renowned Rampage campaign returned. This time the narrative is around 4 characters – the Mythos Four and their journey to take the baddies down. Based upon Mythos Four, Garena is releasing costume packages. To date the campaign has included a Frost Sabertooth Bundle. And now, we are free to obtain the package of Shadow Earthshaker!
Shadow Earthshaker Bundle in Free Fire
One of the Myth Four is the Earthshaker Shadow. By performing free fire searches, players may acquire the bundle free of charge. The tokens may be claimed everyday and then spend the tokens in the event store to trade for prizes.
The Rampage: New Dawn Campaign is the four pathways to be cleared to players. Each is one of the adventures of one of the Myth Four. You must finish all four pathways to get the Shadow Earthshaker package for free.
Free Fire Rampage: Battle of The New Dawn Event
The Battle of the New Dawn is a 4-way event, each having a separate set of tasks that participants must carry out. By clearing all four pathways the Shadow Earthshaker package is accessible free of charge. In addition, the power of Myths tokens may also be claimed as additional free prize.

You can utilise the power of Mythos tokens to restore different things from the event’s Exchange Shop. Here’s a complete list of salaries:
- Mythos Dreki – Pet skin
- Azure Strombringer Banner
- Frost Sabertooth Avatar
- Monster Truck Skin -Sabertooth
- Volcanic Whirlwind Banner & Avatar
- Shadow Earthshaker Avatar & Banner
- Frost Sabertooth Banner
- Sabertooth Pin
- Sabertooth Loot Box
- Stormbringer Pin
- Earthshaker Grenade skin
- Login Reward: Stormbringer Swing Bat

Everybody can easily fulfil objectives in the Battle of The New Dawn event. The missions and their prizes in Free Fire are here:

- Play 1 game – 1 token
- Defeat 3 enemies – 1 token x3
- Play 5 games – 1 token x5
- Booyah in 1 game – 2 tokens
Therefore, you can receive 10 power of myth tokens every day when you accomplish all daily objectives. If you complete the tasks of your Mythos companion, the amount of toks you may earn doubles. Every day, reset missions at 4 AM every day.
How to Claim Shadow Earthshaker Bundle For Free In Free Fire?

Follow the procedures above to claim the Shadow Earthshaker without paying any diamonds once the players have gathered enough power to tokens of Myth:
- Launch Garena Free Fire and access the Events page.
- Choose the Rampage: New Dawn campaign.
- Go to the Battle of The New Dawn event page.
- Use Might of Mythos tokens to complete all four paths in the event. Each “Forward” move costs 2 tokens.
- When all of the paths are clear, the Mythos Four has successfully escaped and you can claim your rewards for free.