You are currently viewing Pubg mobile lite best sensitivity settings gyroscope-for low end Android devices 2021
Pubg mobile lite best sensitivity settings

Pubg mobile lite best sensitivity settings gyroscope-for low end Android devices 2021

Pubg mobile lite best sensitivity settings gyroscope,PUBG Mobile Lite is one of the most popular royal fighting titles on Android low-end smartphones. After its release, the game has been highly regarded and an active global player base has accumulated.

Sensitivity settings are an important part of a player’s gameplay in a royal match fight. Then players have to find the optimum sensitivity configuration as quickly as possible.

This article shares a comprehensive recommendation for Android devices with low-end sensitivity that players can use to modify the settings in accordance with their level of comfort.

PUBG mobile lite best sensitivity settings gyroscope

Note: The sensitivity settings listed here are for a low-end device, and the settings are higher than usual. Players might need to make some minor tweaks to get their best sensitivity.

Camera Sensitivity

These sensitivity settings mainly focus on the camera view shifting when players scope in. Also, the sensitivity setting of “No Scope” causes movement without scoping in.

  • No Scope: 123-125%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 66-70%
  • 2x Scope: 33-37%
  • 3x Scope: 23-26%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 18-20%
  • 6x Scope: 13-15%
  • 8x Scope: 9-12%
ADS sensitivity
ADS sensitivity settings in PUBG Mobile Lite for low-end devices

The ADS or Down Sight is potentially the most important sensitivity configuration for the PUBG Mobile Lite. The ADS is responsible for the vertical rebound after the scope has opened, and players can drag their thumb down a little to reduce the rebound.

  • No Scope: 122-125%
  • Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 65-70%
  • 2x Scope: 32-37%
  • 3x Scope: 24-26%
  • 4x ACOG Scope, VSS: 19-22%
  • 6x Scope: 12-16%
  • 8x Scope: 8-13%

Also Read:Free Fire Headshot Sensitivity 2021 (OB27 version)

For the ‘Free Look’ sensitivity, the environment need not be on a high or low end of the spectrum as it does not need to be maximized or reduced. It encourages players to look around while running. Hence, players will leave it on default.

This article does not share the sensitivity of the gyroscope since many players, especially with low-end instruments, are having difficulty using the gyroscope. These settings enable players to have the best control over low-end hardware.