Pokemon GO offers the same kind of boosts in sunny and clear air.
It depends on where a trainer lives, but several areas are usually classified as Clear/Sunny in the game. These two forms of Pokemon GO weather are boosting significantly.
The boosts are for Pokemon and travel in combat and increase in the spawning of Pokemon. Pokemon GO has clear / sunny weather that increases grass, fire and ground spawning rates.
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Top 5 Pokemon that appear during Sunny weather in Pokemon GO

Rhydon is a rock/ground-type of strong middle evolution. Trainers should watch Sunny weather and expect an enormous amount of meetings with Rhydon. It will soon lead to an evolution to get the precious Rhydon Candy.
Rhyperior, one of the dangerous Pokemon available, delivers this growth. For the PVP and the GO Fight League, this is an excellent pick.
Roselia develops into the mighty roserade with 100 sweets and a Sinnoh Stone. Roselia is all on its own a big Pokemon, but Roserade’s on a whole new stage.
Roserade and maybe the latest Pokemon-GO-attack – Leaf Storm will be given the chance to get to the players with Sunny Weather Encounters.

Growlithe is a very popular Pokemon GO fire kind. The sunny weather further enhances its common spawn. It only takes 50 Growlithe Candy unbelievably to turn it into Arcanine.
The use of Pinap Berry and catching a lot during sunny weather will permit the development in no time. Any coach would do well to get a hold of Arcanine.
Nidoking is one of the most formidable and powerful Pokemon ever. Securing a Nidoking is essential with increased meetings at sunny weather.
It’s excellent to catch you with good statistics instead of turning it from a Nidorino, as it saves Candy’s strength by the Pokemon GO trainers.
Lombre is a great Pokemon to catch, as it will eventually evolve into Ludicolo. Farming Lotad Candy by catching a ton of them or Lombre will lead to Ludicolo, who as a Grass/Water-type can be very good in battle.