Table of Contents
crDroid [ROM][10.0][OFFICIAL]
crDroide is designed to enhance Android’s stock performance and reliability in order to bring many of today’s finest features to your device. Our main base is LineageOS, so use their customised kernels
How To Install
- Make sure you’re running the latest TWRP Treble Recovery
- Copy crDroid zip, gapps zip to your device
- Boot into Recovery
- Wipe cache, system, & data (or just cache & system for a dirty flash).
- Flash ROM
- Flash gapps
- Boot up
For root, AFTER you boot into the ROM, you can go back to recovery and install Magisk XX.x (whatever is most recent).
ROM OS Version:Â 10.0 Q
ROM Kernel:Â Linux 4.9.x
ROM Firmware Required:Â Unlocked Bootloader
Based On:Â Lineage OS
Version Information
Status:Â Stable
Stable Release Date:Â 2020-01-16
Created 2019-11-12
Last Updated 2021-01-28
WiFiDisplay Don’t expect any support if you:
are not running the included kernel
have installed any mods such as Xposed!
modified system files
Upgrading from earlier version of crDroid:
The only difference between clean flash as above and upgrading is you just wipe system & cache, leaving data. Everything else is the same. Remember to always clean flash before reporting problems. Clean flashing is always the best method of ROM install.

- Android 8.1.0_r26
- Pixel look and feel
- Music – Music player based on Phonograph
- File Manager – File manager based on Amaze File manager
- Home – Revamped and customized launcher with Google now integration
- crDroid Settings – Our own chamber of secrets with below customization settings
- OTA notification for officially supported devices
- ART and BIONIC optimizations
Status Bar
- Status Bar icons toggle (including NFC and Roaming icon toggles)
- Clock & date customizations
- Carrier label customizations
- Network Traffic customizations
- Customization for weather info in statusbar
- Data activity toggles
- Battery image and percentage toggle
- BT battery toggle
- Battery Bar customizations
- Custom logo customizations
- Tap to sleep toggle
- Brightness gesture control
- Quick Pulldown customizations
- Smart Pulldown customizations
- Ticker customizations
Quick Settings
- Custom header customizations
- BT battery toggle
- Weather tile customizations
- Quick scroller for small QS tiles
- Rows/columns configuration
- Brightness slider configuration
- Vibrate on touch toggle
- Additional tiles: Sync, Caffeine, Ambient notifications, Always On display, Sound, Volume, Compass, USB Tethering, Music, Expanded Desktop, PIP, Weather, Reboot/Recovery/Power Off, HW keys
Lock Screen
- Customization for weather on lockscreen
- Visualization toggle
- Media cover art toggle
- Battery info toggle
- Face auto unlock for recognized trusted faces
- Tap to sleep toggle
- Notifications customizations
- Toggle to access power menu and quick settings on secured lock screen
- Fingerprint authentication vibration toggle
Recents Screen
- Icon pack support
- Immersive recents toggle
- Memory bar toggle
- Clear All FAB button customizations
- Misc buttons toggle
- Deep clear
- Slim recents customizations
- Navigation bar toggle
- Stock navbar customizations
- DUI Smartbar customizations
- DUI Fling customizations
- Navbar height customizations
- Dynamic Navbar toggle
- Pulse customizations – Music visualization for smart bar
- Disable navigation HW keys
- Backlight toggle and timeout settings
- Accidental touch prevention for navigation HW keys
- HW button mapping
- Advanced reboot toggle
- Power menu customizations
- End call with power button
- Long press power button for torch
- Kill app with back button
- Wake device with HW non-capacitive button
- Control playback with volume buttons
- Keyboard cursor control with volume buttons
- Swap volume keys on orientation change
- Additional button settings for device specific customization
User Interface
- Ambient display customizations
- Ambient music ticker customizations
- Color styles – switching between light dark and accent themes
- Font customizations
- Expanded Desktop customizations
- Gesture settings
- Swipe notifications with back-mounted FP sensor
- Screen off animations
- Custom animations for system, toast, QS tiles, list view
- Android P animation toggle
- Toggle to disable animations
- Scrolling cache toggle
- Power notification controls
- Force expanded notifications toggle
- LED customizations for notifications and battery
- Suppress notification sound when no media is playing and/or screen is on
- Screenshot sound toggle
- Live volume steps customization
- Ad Away
- Pocket detection – prevents device interaction when inside pocket
- Suspend actions
- Wakelock blocker
- Alarm blocker
- Show CPU info overlay
- Media Scanner boot behavior customization
- Auto USB mode chooser customization
- Three finger swipe for screenshot toggle
- Partial screenshot via volume key toggle
- Toast icon toggle
LineageOS Additional Features
- Burnt-in protection
- Livedisplay support
- Privacy guard with native superuser
- Increasing ringtone feature
- Unlinked notification sound
- Per app data / wifi toggle