AndLua It was used mostly in external menus with GameGuardian-like memory hacking and maybe hex patching and crocheting.Feel free to share tutorials, links or sources. If I can, I will share those sources too:)
AndLua+ is having some difficulties with Android compatibility 5.1 and below. It is strongly recommended to use an Android 6.0 or higher computer or emulator
AndLua+ Software is an easy-to-use script programming and testing application in your Android phone. The app is easy to use. For those who need to program scripts this is really useful.
- Chinese function library
- API interface (easy to use)
- Communication Forum (Chinese only)
- Import project (.alp)
- lua file encryption (enabled by default)
- Share source codes
- Download source codes (some costs money)
- English language (chinese is default)
- Customizeable code editor (In settings)and more…
The open source project lua is based on AndLua +. The language is plain and beautiful and simplifies complex Java phrases.
Please be assured that you are required to write a program for use.